
How can be more friendly with our teachers?

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iam a student




  1. If  you are a parent, talk with the teacher.  As a Preschool teacher for many years I want my parents to come in and talk with me not only about their concerns but also make small talk.  Don't overdue it though remember we have to attend to our class.  If your child is having separation problems then just kiss and run until they are used to separating from you.

  2. Most teachers had to sacrifice get to this point in their lives. Some even had to put their families on the back burner. Make them know that they you appreciate them, admire and respect them. Of course, it may be difficult to do this at times but it's worth a try.

  3. If u come across any problem with academics aproach times when u need emotional support due to some personal problems also u can ask them suggestions.thro out i had been having sweet teachers with whom i share all me probs.

  4. As a teacher I would say talk to me. Chat me up. I love to get to know my parents.

    Tell me your concerns with your child's needs and what you expect from the program you have enrolled your child in.

    Tell me what experiences you have had with other teachers and this would help me gage what your needs as a parent are.

    If you have any concerns address them with me immediately.

    Express yourself honestly and allow me to relate your child's experiences with you on a daily basis.

    Drop and run parents can only guess what happens in a classroom so feel free to come early and sit in on center times and involve yourself with our classroom family.

    If you are a director or supervisor then merit pay and days off are my favorite forms of friendliness. ;)

  5. are you a co-worker or a parent taking your child there?  Open up the lines of communcation on both ends -how was your weekend - do anything special?    Your child can pick a flower from your garden and take it in or color the teacher a picture and you write what he/she likes the most about the teacher.  I guess we need more information to answer this question but I did my best!

  6. If ur  astudent, believe me,

    behave decently in d class;

    do ur home works or projects and submit on time;

    answer questions properly while asked by ur teacher in d class;

    Always try to give answers...

    when a teacher sees dat her/his student is trying to answer sensibly, she gets interested and helps vwell.

    Work hard in ur studies, b punctual...

    and say her jokes during free periods but DECENT!

    all d best buddy!

  7. Study well, work hard. Motivate other students.

  8. by doing them favours... doing well in their subject n being sweet... :)

  9. Can you elaborate a little on what you mean? Are you a student? A parent? A preschooler?

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