
How can being adopted be a good thing?

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I'm writing a paper on adoptions for college and I just need some examples on How adoption could be a good thing.




  1. Because the family that adopted you shows that they want you to have a good family and a good life.

  2. It is certainly better than the alternatives of spending life in an orphanage, or living in a dysfunctional, drug-ridden family that can't care for a child.  

    One positive thing I've always told my adopted children is that no one adopts a child by accident.   Most of us went through considerable longing, effort, and expense to make our dreams of a family come true.  We adopt because we love children and want to be parents.    That may not make up for the fact that their birth mothers relinquished them, but they ARE wanted and loved, regardless of this fact.

  3. well if your mom was considering abortion then its a really good thing lol Adoption gives a baby a chance at a better life and its usually for a family that can have kids of their own. I was adopted and Im very grateful that my birth mom did what she did. She was only 17 when she got pregnant with me and my dad took off. Now im 21 and pregnant with my own healthy baby boy :)

  4. Adoption is a good thing when it is done in the best interests of the child. When it is done the right legal way. When the birthmother is not forced into anything, and when all members of the triad have good after care.

  5. Your giving a couple a chance to have a family, something they couldn't do on their own. That's the biggest thing for me.

  6. I am adopted and i believe that adoption is a good thing because it will rescue children. If a child comes from a broken home or and unwed mother who doesn't believe that she can take care of the child. I came from a home were I was a bused all the time and my mother was never there. I was raised by my 4 year old sister. When a child is in this situation then adoption is a good thing. I believe adoption is a good thing either way. I am not saying that adopton is a bad thing I believe that it is a wonderful thing and A blessing. It brings joy to the parents who adopt the children. Alot of the people who Adopt aren't able to have children. To see a child go to a good home because of adoption is a good thing. I hope this helps you with your paper

  7. Well it depends at what age. But I think tha ta common factor, the older the age you get adopted at, the stronger it is, is the fact that you don't take your parents for granted. This simple feeling can solve a lot of fighting and arguments between children and their parents. You appreciate them more and everything they do for you. You also SHOULD feel the need to help others, especially those that are in their previous situation.

  8. The only time adoption is guaranteed to be a "good thing" is when it is absolutely necessary due to abuse and/or neglect.  In those instances, as long as the adoptive family has been screened properly and aren't hiding anything major, then it can give the child a chance at a childhood without abusive parents.

    There are no guarantees that any other kind of adoption will be a good thing.  A rich woman could give her baby up due to the stigma of raising a child in a single-parent home, and the child could go to a lower-middle class home with abusive parents.  Obviously, the child would have been better off with his/her natural parents in this scenario.  A teen mom could give up her child, and then end up marrying the father anyway, and having a happy family.  I can almost guarantee that it would be best for the child to be raised with his/her natural family in this instance...what reason could you give that would make the pain of adoption loss "worth it" when the child could have stayed with his/her parents and had a great life anyway?

    Again, there are no guarantees.  The only time adoption is *almost* guaranteed to be a good thing is the scenario in the first paragraph.  Otherwise, the issues that an adoptee *could* have overwhelmingly outweigh the benefits of being adopted, in most cases.

  9. Adoption is a great thing because it often gives children a stable, loving home and a chance at life, when they would have otherwise been raised in foster care. Kids need stability and adoption provides that.

  10. I never had to live up to or live down anyone else's reputation...Aunt Sally's temper or grandpa's musical talent.

  11. There are some circumstances where the family that the child goes to is not best for the child and that is a negative thing.  That just shows that the adoption, foster care system is flawed not the idea of adoption


    Adoption is always a good thing.  I was adopted as an infant. My birth parents where 16 & 17.  I was adopted by parents that were financially stable, older, wiser, and wanted a child.  Most of the time a 16 year old does not intent to have a baby, rather its a mistake.  Instead of being aborted I was put up for adoption in my best instrest.  Putting a baby up for adoption when you know you cannot care for it is the most unselfish thing a woman can do.

  12. Well in my situation, here are my reasons:

    - I know my parents wanted me 100%

    - My adoption experience was great, so I feel completely part of the family

    - My parents are financially stable and since they wanted me, there was never any resentment about having to spend money on piano lessons, private school, riding lessons etc... they WANTED to do that.

    - My bio-mom wasn't the whole "crack-addict, teen mom" stereotype, so I probably would have been happy with her, but she wasn't in a relationship, was just starting out her life (just graduated from college), and had other things on her plate, so I think I would have been "in the way".  I am sure we would have loved eachother, but I think my life has been really blessed by being adopted.

  13. Adoption is 100% better than the alternatives.Abortion or being raised by a person who doesn't want you in their lives is definitely bad.Their is always a reason for the relinquishing mother to give her child up and if you look at the majority of adoptions that reason is because the pregnancy was unplanned and the mother just wants to give their child the opportunities that they are unable to give them.What chance would these children have if they had never been born.

  14. I heard a chlid answer this once as being made in her mommy heart instead of tummy.  She said that made her special because she was picked out of many others to grow in their hearts.

  15. Adoptive parents want the child completely, and are committed to being the best parents they can be.

    Because of all the paperwork, home studies and expenses required to adopt, the adoptive parents are generally more mature, financially secure and emotionally stable.

    Strictly from my own experience, I know for a fact that had the biomom decided to raise the baby, there would have been no treatment for any of the issues that have arisen since the child's birth. This would be due to a combination of denial ("there's nothing wrong with MY baby") , ignorance (no recognition of certain patterns of behavior), and lack of medical insurance.

  16. Adoption is a fantastic thing!  So many children are born to unstable, drug addicted, irresponsible parents every day.  Adoption can give a child a chance at a better life than he or she would otherwise have with unfit parents.  A chance to thrive in a loving and stable environment.

  17. Children are given a chance to have a normal life.  I am adopted and I have my half sister and my two older brothers who are both adopted.  I was found in a foster home in Oregon, my sister was found in the laundry room of an apartment building with a fracture in her skull when she was just over a year old.  I thank God every single day I have her.  My second older brother came from a home where he had no interaction with people for a year and his room was a closet.  He went to 3 homes because Doctors said he might be fully retarded, but my parents wanted him (my oldest brother was adopted as a baby). I always wondered WHAT my life would have been like if I had never been adopted.  My parents fought for 2 years to adopt my sister and me.  I had a very privileged life and my parents taught me some of the greatest values ever.  I am a daddy's girl and my mom is one of my best friends.  I was given a chance to have a life and I never would be where I am today if it were not for my parents.  I never would have met my husband, I never would have known my sister.  

    Kids who are adopted tend to be more appreciative of there parents, because they wanted them enough to adopt them.  My husband and I are having three children and the third child we are adopting.

  18. ur forced to be more independent.

  19. I have to agree with OoohWee on this one, it does make you more independent.  The pain and isolation that comes from being adopted makes one rely on oneself.  The adopted child feels they cannot trust anyone, so they tend to grow up quickly and learn how to cope without support from others.  Unfortunately, this leads to all kinds of problems down the road, but ostensibly this could be viewed as a positive.

    Just a comment to Marie C.  It's true that no one adopts by accident, but they do often adopt for the wrong reasons, putting all kinds of unnatural pressures and expectations on the adopted child that wouldn't occur in a natural family that finds out "Whoops we're pregnant.  Oh goody!"  No preconceived ideas, no expectations, just Yay!

  20. Sometime when there is an accidental pregnancy and the mother really does not want to raise the child, if she were forced to care for that child, she may become mean, violent, abusive, and recentful toward the child.  Sometimes in that type of situation, putting the child up for adoption and allowing another family to raise the child in a loving, stable enviornment is the best thing.  Some of the birth mothers do not have families that will help out, they do not have the financial resources to properly care for children.

  21. You are given opportunities you might not otherwise have had.

  22. uhhh because the family that adopted you 100%+++++++ WANTED you.. planned for you.. and took TONS of major steps financially and emotionally planning for you.. adoption is a HUGE thing to go thru ...those children are so wanted




  24. being adopted means that the family who adopted you, thought about it and decided that they wanted you, no if ands or buts about it. could also mean that your mother wanted you to be in a home that could support and raise you the proper way, just wanted you to have the best.

  25. i dont know anything good about being adopted any other question i can ansewr that make sense

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