
How can bull fighting be stopped?

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bull fighting is soo cruel. ive heard that after the bull has been shown it is then killed. Also does anyone know if red bull has bull intestines in it?




  1. Bull fighting is very cruel and should face a European ban.

    But Europe won't do that because there are more important things like what shape should a Banana be ETC.

    And no there is no BULL in Red Bull,

  2. It can't be stopped. And no bull intestines in red bull. Where did that come from? I've never heard of that shite before. Bull intestines. That's creative.

  3. When bulls are on the brink of extinction.....

    When an animal rights group expose the sport to the public media.....

    When you stop watching the Sports in Spain channel?

  4. ask them nicely    ha ha lol....

    its spains national sport, or whatever,   like there going to just stop it   lol....

  5. Animal fights of all kinds should be stopped!

  6. i'm sorry but it can't be

    people in spain have made it a tradition for very stupid behavior

    and no RED BULL is NOT from a bull at all it just has cattle extracts called taurine in it behold RED BULL (gives you wings!)

  7. can we focus on more important matters please, the world can do with some real help....any suggestions ? ...

    Here is a bull the same as a cow?

    Like the meat?


  8. Bull fighting is hugely popular in Spain.  We might find it distasteful, but they think the same about British binge drinking.  It's not our business to stop the Spanish killing bulls.  It will probably die out as tastes change.  Remember that cockfighting was our national sport until football took over about 100 years ago.

    Red Bull is 100% chemicals.  There's no bulls intestines in it, only bullshit.

  9. Those bulls need a union.  So that they'd have a voice.  Get it?


  10. Bull fighting can probably be stopped but a whole lot more pressure will have to put on the countries to do it.

    Red Bull does NOT have bull intenstines in it. This may have come about because of Taurine though. Taurine is an organic acid that is the building blocks of all amino acids. It is in the heart, nervous system, skeletal muscles, white blood cells, and bile where it is needed to process oils and fat soluable nutrients. When it was first used as an additive in foods it was gotten from bull bile but not actual intestines.

    While we are at it I think we should put a stop to all racing that uses fuel. Car, boat, bike, plane raceing. It is wasting gas we all need and is polluting the environment. And of course Red Puke sponsors a ton of those things too.

  11. Eat a crapload of bulls so they'll be in short supply and the bull fighting market will collapse. mmmmmm steak...

    Or you know, you could start a petition, write to you're newspaper, ect. Not that that hasnt been done two million times.

    Personally i think you should start one of those facebook groups, they're always sooooo effective at changing the world!

  12. While we may see it as cruel, we shouldn't be trying to stop it. That is a matter for the Spanish. It is thier thing. We don't have to watch it, no-one is forcing us to watch a bullfight. No, I don't particularly like it, but I would never try to stop it.

    And, no, Red Bull has no intestines in it.

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