
How can car pollution harm young people?

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This question was asked at my college i cant find good awnsers on ask jeeves if can help please do :P




  1. CO, CO2, heavy metals in car pollution will cause: respiratory problems, heart problems, digestion and metabolistic probems, lack of memory and concentration, lower IQ levels, problems with ENT, etc.

  2. Cars emit Carbon monixide from their exhausts.Carbon monoxide is absorbed through the lungs into the blood and affects the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can include nausea, dizziness, headache drowsiness and confusion. It can result in loss of consciousness and death.

  3. The pollutants from cars include: nitrogen oxides; carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide; sulphur dioxide; sulphur and unburned hydro carbons. There also particulates. These substances don't exclusively affect young people, they affect us all, though some of the effects may be more pronounced in young people.

    Although CO² is a greenhouse gas it can be discounted as it is never at a sufficiently high level to cause health problems.

    The other substances are all harmful to a greater or lesser extent.

    Try this site. I hope it helps.

    By the way, lead is no longer allowed to be added to petrol in the UK and is therefore not a hazard in the UK.

    For more sites google.

    Automotive pollutants health effects.

  4. heart diseses


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