
How can civic culture be fostered?

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How can the government incite its citizenry to participate actively and be conscious of the state process?




  1. The more people get pissed off about what is going on, the more willing they become to participate.

  2. Have you seen Bruce Almighty?

    Bruce asks Morgan Freeman (as God) "How do you make someone love you without affecting free will"

    The answer "If you can answer that one, let me know"

    The govt would probably answer that one with the same answer.

  3. Since the people are the government, in the U.S. at any rate, it is up to the people in their community to foster civic spirit at home, with their children, and then in schools by introducing them to the concept of helping others who need their help, and helping their community.  Start small; clean up the school yard or nearby park;

    take a hot meal to a shut in and take your child along to meet the person so that they can witness first hand just how lucky they are to have a life that doesn't involve illness of some kind

    generally, lead by example.  Teach your child from age 6 months that selfish IS A BAD WORD regardless of what others may practice.  Selfless is a GOOD word and the feeling that comes knowing you helped someone ispriceless.  

    Thank you for asking this vital question.

  4. Dissolve the corruption at the state level. Since this is pretty much impossible, you need to move on to the next question.

  5. It is not the governments job to try and change the hearts of it citizenry.  Government is not qualified to accomplish such a task.

    I have found the best way to foster such an environment, is to lead by example in my own community.

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