
How can coffee grounds discourage pests from "invading" my plants?and what kinds of insects?

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What are some elements in coffee that discourage pests from "invading" my plants.My plant is Jerusalem berry and Monggo beans.




  1. it is thought that the caffeine in coffee is distasteful to slugs.. and the grounds are an irritant for them to crawl on... so, around hostas, it's suggested to use the grounds around the base of the plant and to spray cold coffee on the leaves to discourage them....on your plants, I have no idea if it would be an advantage at all....

  2. I've not heard of grounds discouraging pests....but because it is course, slugs may not cross it.

    Grounds contain acid for ammending soil needed for acid loving plants such as azalea or hydrangea.........but haven't known it to discourage pests........hmmmm

    try for ways to discourage all pests with products from your home

  3. I have never heard of this before. For slugs/snails I put down crushed eggshells. I have heard they do not like oats either. You could consider looking at Mr Fothergills website for inspiration also.

    Good luck. h

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