
How can companys afford to let us enter comps for free on line but not by phone?

by  |  earlier

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There are so many on the tv, free to enter ,but £1 on the phone,




  1. Because companies have to pay for a toll-free number and the calls that come in on that line whenever somebody calls. (Its about 20.00 a call for a call center). Also, they have to pay for reps to answer those calls. Its more cost efficient to do everything online now.

  2. Basically, if it’s not possible to enter for free – it’s gambling, and this carries with it certain legal implications.

    By allowing people to play for free online, it’s not gambling but they know many entries are by phone earning them good money. They don’t usually mention the online entry, it’s written small on the screen or sometimes the announcer reads it out really quickly!

  3. I think you'll find the competitions your refer to are on the whole not possible to enter by email, if you need to call a number. Just try it.  [If you can get the details down fast enough].

    As to the small number of exceptions, the numbers dialing in the forlorn hope of winning some crappy freebie dwarf those willing to go through the hoops to enter for 'free'.

    Sony gives GMTV (or whoever) a new TV (or whatever) in return for a plug which would cost them thousands if they paid for the advertising.  

    GMTV then asks the moronic viewer

    'What is the capital of France?  

    Is it (i) Baghdad (ii) London or (iii) Paris

    Moronic viewer thinks; "Hey, I know this, I could win a free telly" and dials the number on the screen.

    Several hundred thousand morons do the same thing.  Very few have immediate access to a PC that fast to enter by email (if they could).

    Result:  GMTV gives away a telly which cost them nothing in return for several hundred thousand pounds donated by morons.

    Where's the downside?

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