
How can control my 6 yr. old son in school?

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I have a 6 yr. old son, going on 7.He is in kindergarten, but i'm tired of the teacher sending me notes everyday. and the principal talking to me..He is a very smart kid...but i just feel that i don't know what else to do.It just gets tiring for the teacher to send him home for not listening, and the principal even to the point on suspending him...please help. any suggestions?




  1. My son is 5 & in preK and is the same way.  I dread next year.  I think that a lot of it is out of pure bordome.  They don't get alot of play time or much time to blow of energy.  I'd just make sure you get your son up early and maybe get him doing exerise or something to blow off some steam before school.  It has worked for me.  We jump around and get the wiggles  He does still get into trouble though just not as often.  I also take away his playstation whenever I get a call or a note and he hates that.  Maybe start taking away something he loves.  Other then that just love him.  Praise him when he has good days.  Hes just being a boy!

  2. well first off 28 kids to one teacher ratio is WAY too many for her to have to deal with on a daily basis. and really it is for the school to control him with consistant parent support.

    look  for a smaller school in your area he will benefit from less kids to show off for in the room and the teacher may be able to emotionally handle  his challenges and possible give him different types of work to keep him busy

  3. Have you tried punishing him. Let him know that it is not okay to misbehave and there will be consequences for his actions. Take away what he most likes. Maybe he is having sugary foods for breakfast? Does he behave at home?

  4. Maybe your son is bored. Often smart children get bored easily and are therefore easily distracted. You should try to see if his mind just needs a little more challenge, sometimes this can do the trick.

  5. You could try homeschooling, but if you think thats a little hard, you could also try promising him, that if he was good for a whole week, who could have some kind of award, also try talking to him about the situations, and punishment. I'm 13, and when I was younger, and would get into trouble, I would be punished, which led me to not want to do anything bad. So try punishing, but on a scale. It all depends on what he did. Punishments could be like, no going out-side, no playing with a certain toy, no tv, having to sit on his bed for a while, etc.

    Hope I could help!

  6. Sounds like he has so much energy have the teacher give him Job so that it will keep him busy.

  7. Behavioral issues are best discussed directly with your child's teacher.  Ideally it is the classroom teacher who should be doing that controlling, but it does take support and cooperation from the parents to make behavior changes.  Are the notes strictly for your information?  I am not sure what other purpose they would serve.  It is approaching the end of the school year in most parts of the United States unless you are in a district with year-round school.  If you have not already done so, a parent teacher conference with the principal present would be a good place to start.  I suggest you go with a list of questions such as why does the teacher send home notes, what are things you can do at home, and what behavior modification techniques can be used to get the desired response from your son.  At 6, going on 7, he is on the old side for being a kindergartner.  This is the age most 1st graders are.  Did you hold him back for some reason?  If he is as smart as you think he is combined with his age, it may be that he is bored with kindergarten curriculum.  A bored child can cause problems.  If not listening is the main concern than perhaps he has an attention issue that needs addressing.  At home you can work with him on listening skills and following directions, but at school, it is his teacher who needs to be working with him.  Suspensions don't usually happen for kindergartners without some serious infraction.  It sounds like all of you, parents, teacher, principal need to get on the same page with a meeting that ends with a consistent plan to work on the issues your son is dealing with.

  8. Why have they not put him on a behavior chart?  A simple one is that they send a smiley face, neutral face, or frowny face home every day.  If it is a smiley face, you praise him to death and give him a reward (do NOT make it monetary) like 10 minutes of play time where he gets to choose what you do and have your unlimited attention or anything special for him. If it is a neutral or frowny face you do NOTHING.  DO not mention it.  Do not talk about it.  The positive reinforcement will slowly begin to change his behavior.  But make sure he understands what behavior the faces are for.  And you need to "play," practicing the behaviors with him that he needs to demonstrate in school.  Role play.

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