
How can current pupils of english not read their course texts?

by Guest57014  |  earlier

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If you rely on other people to answer for you you're never going to learn anything. Some of the questions I've seen asked today alone are really quite annoying; you're trying to find the easy way out of study and, what's worse, is that some of them are trying to avoid reading some excellent works of fiction.

Please do your own work, it will only benefit you.




  1. I agree with the asker!

    I've once or twice asked a simple question about one part of the book, but I've never come on here asking "then what happens... what was the theme... what was the symbolism... why did this happen?"

    it's so aggravating to come on here and see most of the questions are "lykee, totes help me with ma hmwkkk!!!!111!"

  2. so what? im sorry but we don't really care if we learn anything or not, we're just trying to get through the class. those excellent works are SO BORING!!! im going into 9th grade an honestly have never read a course book. not tom sawyer, tale of 2 citys, romeo and juliet, to kill a mockingbird, the hobbit, or taming of the shrew. there's no point in reading them! we go over them in class and if its enough to pass the test why do the other work? this year i never cracked open romeo and juliet. and i got all A's. see what im saying? theres no point.

  3. we may ask questions on certain reading materials but its because we need some help answering questions based on the reading.. like i did. I read the story but didn't understand it..  

  4. I agree! Read it and then you will know the themes and plots and characters! The best part is reading it! Quit trying to get out of reading. I don't know why anyone would want to not read.....I just don't get it.

  5. I agree that it's kind of apalling. Like you (and Lisa), I understand if someone has genuinely put in the effort to understand a book and are seeking help AFTER reading the text. But it seems like this forum is 75% a haven for Twilight fans and kids who are too lazy to do their schoolwork. There's a reason things are assigned to you in school! 99% of the time it's to your benefit to read what's assigned. They should try opening a book and turning offThe OC. However, for those who have read the books and just need a little direction, I never mind helping.

  6. Totally agree with you! Some people just want the easy way out!  Thanks to computers and the internet reading is out of fashion!  When I was in school I got told off for finishing my reading books way before the rest of the class!  I was always ahead of the others so when it came to my turn to read my friend had to give me her copy at the right page!

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