
How can depression, and depression related stress affect your day to day life?

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How can depression, and depression related stress affect your day to day life?




  1. It results in chronic fatigue, sleep problems, and changes in appetite.

    You loose interest in s*x or even physical affection

    It affects your moods.

    Your house or environs are a mess.

    Lack of energy and enthusiasm in relationships.

    You begin making excuses to friends.

    You prefer to stay home, be alone and push others away.

    You become self focussed, easily offended, and quick to snap.

    As relationships break down blame yourself

    It takes a whole weekend to do chores.

    You let yourself go.

    It interferes with concentration and decision making.

    You look to escape the pain.

    Reduces your desire to engage in pleasurable activities.

    You lose things, you lose track of things and can't always remember what day it is.

    You stop eating, or caring what you eat and whether it tastes good.

    Or eating all the time because you're bored.

    Difficulty sleeping, erratic sleeping patterns or difficulty staying awake.

  2. depression can affect everything you do. depressed people often feel sad, lonely, misunderstood, isolated, irritable, lonely, have low self-esteem, and worthless. too much stress can cause depression. stress related depression can go away-when whatever is causing the stress goes away. but; everday depression needs to be treated. it can make a person psychially sick over time. a person needs to see a therapist/counselor, and be on meds for depression-when stress is an ongoing problem in their life. suicide is one of the risks of severe depression. so is use of illegal drugs and alcohol. get help for depression!

  3. It affects your physical well-being, resulting in chronic fatigue, sleep problems, and changes in appetite.

    It prevents you from enjoying and living your life to the fullest

    You've lost interest in s*x or even physical affection

    Most important it ruin you family life.

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