
How can do remote viewing (i mean a form of E.S.P.)?

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How can do remote viewing (i mean a form of E.S.P.)?




  1. I've done this in a class.  Like anything else, some people were good at it, some not so good.

    We started by being hypnotized. We were given permission to visit the house of a friend of the teacher.  Nobody in the class knew this person or had ever seen her house.  All we were told was the town it was in.  

    Once hypnotized, let your mind drift like it's traveling to the target location.  Stop when you get a feeling like you've reached a good spot.  Pick a house on the street that appeals to you for some reason, maybe you feel drawn to it.  Go inside and look around.

    When finished, travel back to your body and wake up.  Tell what you saw (furniture, the layout of rooms, colors, smells, etc.)  Then have the teacher, homeowner, or someone who knows the house, tell you what it really looks like.  Compare their description with what you saw in your mind.

    You have to go by feelings and mental images, generalities.  It's not like you can read a book left open on a table.  It can take practice.  The only way to know how accurate you are is to visit the place afterwards or talk to someone who has.  You have no info when you start.  Everything you "see" is from your mind, not your memory.

  2. First, ask someone to pick a place for you to 'remote view'.  Then sit down with a pencil, space out for a few minutes, and draw something really vague.  Then have them tell you what they were thinking of, and try to find a way to match your drawing somehow to what they said.

    Even according to the remote viewing 'experts' I've seen on tv, it's not supposed to be able to predict anything - it only makes sense after the fact.  Which makes it kinda useless and means it doesn't work.

  3. The Farsight Institute has some pages with videos and articles to help with their process of learning remote viewing.  I don't really like their process, personally, but it is a good place to begin until you learn how to improvise and do things in a way that gets results for you.

    There is also a little website called Remote View Daily that lets you practice, like a game.

  4. The link below should get you started.


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