
How can dogs get worms if they are on de-wormers? is it possible and what type?

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How can dogs get worms if they are on de-wormers? is it possible and what type?




  1. it depends on what you mean by "on de-wormers"

    many hearworm preventatives are supposed to treat intestinal parasite infestations but they do not protect against them, and most do not treat against all of them.

    hooks, rounds, and tapes are most commonly treated by heartworm preventative. but whip worms are the most deadly. they can cause anemia in the blood and young pups can bleed out and die in as little as 3 days.

    it also depends on how old the dog is. puppies up to 16 wks are very succeptable to worms, and should be wormed every week starting at 2 weeks all the way to 16 weeks.

    if it is tapeworms you have it just means your dog has eaten a flea that was infected. the problem is that most of your heart wormers treat one kind of tape worm but not the more common one. i would pick up some d-worm tablets from your local pet store if you have tapes (look like grains of rice)

    to treat the others i would get some Panacure. it comes in all different forms, but it is the most efficient for everything but tapes. they pick up whips hooks and rounds mostly from the soil. they can also get it from another dog, the pet store, and someties even the veterinary office.

    hope this helped!

  2. what sort of dewormer?

    it is possible even if a dog is on a monthly preventative such as interceptor or sentinel because nothing is 100% effective.  and the dog could have had an intestinal parasite infection prior to starting a monthly preventative.  those medications only help prevent they do not deworm.

  3. the dirt out side carries all kinds of parasites.  

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