
How can donaters to unicef's Myanmar fund know that the supplies won't be confiscated by the Junta?

by Guest32274  |  earlier

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How can donaters to unicef's Myanmar fund know that the supplies won't be confiscated by the Junta?




  1. There is  way around this   - by donating money through AVAAZ to the welfare network of the Buddhist Monks in Burma.

    web donation page: http//

    Here is part of their most recent report:

    Avaaz Members from 124 Countries Donate $2,000,000 to the Burmese People

      On May 2nd, a massive cyclone struck the coast of Burma. The impoverished and vulnerable Burmese people were not warned by their military rulers. As a wall of water swept the lowlands of the country, as many as 100,000 were killed and 2 million more lost their homes. The survivors continue to face hunger, lack of medical care, and the threat of epidemic and deadly disease.

  2. I can almost guarantee you that they will be confiscated, once it leaves the plane or the truck there is no way to trace it. The good new is that some of it does get to the people who need it. The generals and warlords who confiscate repackage what they don't need to feed their troops and supporters. They remove it from the bag reading "unicef" and put "gift from you leader Joe Bob" or whatever their name is.

  3. One of the demands of organizations like UNICEF was that their own staff would be allowed into the country, along with aid, in order to assure aid would be distributed properly. In the early days of the relief effort, the junta agreed to let in WFP staff and supplies, but then confiscated the aid and turned away the staff, then repacked the aid to look like it was from the junta itself. But much more aid is reaching people.

    Groups like UNICEF, WHO, WFP, CARE and others work very hard to maintain excellent accounting of their distributions, but as all of these organizations are staff and lead by humans, there are flaws in the system. I hope that won't prevent you from donating to relief efforts -- their successes far outweigh their failures.

  4. you don't......don't trust the UN in of luck

  5. Hi,

    that has already been found. Some Australian aid was found re-badged to say that it had come from the current military Junta.

    It has always happened, even back in the 60's.

    Becareful which organization you give your money too.....

  6. There's not a 100% guarantee that it won't.  However, when I worked with Global aid groups in the past, they were highly efficient and got the resources out to the people that needed it.  That included both UNICEF and Care.

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