
How can drunk driving to be stopped?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Prohibition!  Because lord knows it worked so well the first time!

    Truth be told, I doubt it can be stopped.  Not without insanely draconian measures.  

    For example:  when someone hits about age 14 or so (before they're likely to start driving) you get them wasted, and administer some sort of test to gauge how impaired their judgement is.  If they show a propensity to do things they shouldn't, you execute them.  In several generations, the problem should be solved.

    I don't think that's going to happen.

    You're always going to have stupid people who can't think straight when they're trashed.  

    h**l, how many of us would never have been born otherwise?

  2. well I would  say the only way would be a alcohol level of zero and zero tolerance. with the offence always drawing and life time disqualification no exceptions.. Maybe then people will actually think before they place all our lives at risk.

    To Me drunk driving is attempted Murder and should be judged as such

  3. bar tenders can limit each drinker to a 2 drink minimun, and the laws should be change like your cant have any liquor in your system while operating a vehicle!

  4. The resources are not available and those agencies have the same problems as anyone else does. They continue to go after the serious violators as a priority.

  5. The only way to stop drunk driving is to take the the human out of the driver seat...(This will happen in about 25-30 years or so)...In the mean time, I think that any establishment that serves alcohol should collect vehicle keys from its patrons as a 'cover' charge, who in turn will get them back when they pass a breath-alyzer on their way out...If they don't, then the establishments, along with the patron driver, are accountable for any mishap involving any of their patrons driving under the influence...I do not know how to keep people from drinking alcohol while driving that was purchased at a store...Another option is to equip all vehicles with some sort of device that can sense the alcoholic content of the driver before the vehicle is started...I don't even know if such a thing is available other than an onboard breath-alyzer.

    This is trying to fix a behavior problem with people and it s nigh impossible to legislate...It all comes down to each one of us knowing what the law is and behaving accordingly...If I want to go out and party, I will make arrangements to get me to and from BEFORE the party...I'm gonna get stupid(er), I'm gonna have a headache in the morning or whenever I wake up, and I may even come to soaked in my own puke, but I will not have killed or maimed anyone and I will not have destroyed my own vehicle in the process...This is a long-winded way of saying that I have a responsibility to myself and that is called self discipline..."If I am not in control of me, then there is no way that I can control my vehicle." - quote

  6. I think that if someone is convicted of a dwi more than one time (give them once to learn a lesson) that their license should be permantly revoked. FOREVER.

    Most dwi's are by people who have numerous convictions

    they keep getting their licenses back and they keep doing it.

    if the government would stop handing their licenses back we might ave a few less drunks on the road to worry about

  7. More people need to jump in and drive the drunks home because they are sober.  Bars also offer free rides home like the bar near my home they will also come and get you in the morning to get back to your car.

  8. take all the cars away and replce them with bikes

  9. Probably close to impossible without banning alcohol sales completely. Education works for some, fear of heavy fines works for others, and for some nothing will stop them. Sort of like the penalty for murder is life in prison or death but it still keeps happening.

  10. Was you drunk when you wrote that question?

  11. Maybe have breathalizers built into the steering columns of cars or somewhere it will pick up the driver's breath.  If they're drunk, the car would not start.

  12. Well you'll never stop drunk driving as long as drunk people try to decide through judgement if they are drunk or not... The first sense to be affected is judgement... They need to impose a .01 limit for alcohol , not a .08, by supposedly allowing a .08 level of BAC you falsely imply that there is a an acceptable level, so you have a bunch of drunks with impaired judgement deciding if they are over that limit or not...

    I say .01 to allow for some medications such as cough syrup or mouthwash...

    Zero tolerance is the only way to lower the DUI statistics...but there will still be people who will drive anyway...First offense should be the same as now, second offense should be, confiscation of car, 1 year in jail and license revocation, third offense should be second degree felony and punishable by 5+ years in prison, no plea bargains, no deals....Fourth offense should be life...

  13. I dunno, maybe have some sort of I.Q pad in your car that starts the car and if you don't pass it you obviously aren't thinking straight and the car just doesn't work! Result, drunk falls asleep in the car and doesn't get to drive until he/she wakes up sober! good? bad? you decide...

  14. Designated drivers have probably saved nearly 50,000 lives and spared many more thousands of people from suffering injury from drunk driving.

    Americans who attend social events where alcohol is served would like to see designated drivers used. And the proportion of people using or being a designated driver has increased dramatically over time.

    Each year over 73,000,000 Americans either serve as a designated driver or are driven home by one.

  15. put a breath test on the steering wheel and u have to blow in it and if u drunk the car doesn't start up

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