
How can economic growth and development in India be made sustainable?

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Give me some arguments or topics about how India's economic growth and development can be made sustainable?




  1. After observing the developed nations which have sustained their growth in the long run I strongly feel that India needs better leaders at State and Central level,especially those who are not corrupt. This does not mean I am referring to all at the top- since there are many good people headed by an equally good Prime Minister. The society must encourage honesty and integrity, and the individual citizen must develop caring for public property, hygiene and above all personal discipline.

    You can read Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion, 2007, Oxford University Press for more topics.

  2. Growing at the Harrod Domar rate can be a temporal solution or a clue to invest.

    All investments have to maximize the total social benefit.




    Y=output per unit of time we want to consider month, year etc.

    K=capital per unit of time



    µ=investment per unit of output

    In the Equilibrium, according to Keynes




    s=marginal propension to save

    In the case of India and some other countries,  the industries considered dangerous by developed countries are moved to countries in which these technologies are accepted. That´s not a trivial matter because non financial capital has got an international circuit of second hand locations. This fact is part of what economists have defined as dependency.

    I think India has to develope its own technology to find a sustainable way of growth. Of course topics about this would be:

    1. Inmigration control from agricultural areas to the cities

    2. Improvement in Education

    3. Better institutions

    4. Improvement in technology

    5. Better use of natural resources

    6. Ways to avoid political corruption

    7. Better use of financial help or debt

    8. Control of imports

    9. Improving communications, roads, trains, planes

    10. Getting conscious of what India is and what it has got to offer to the world. Improving exports

    11. Improving relatioships with neighbouring countries

    12. Finding ways to reunite all social classes

    13. Analizing way to modify social structure linked to religion beliefs when it stops sustainable development

    14. Planning agricultures schemes to get better crops and avoid hunger

    15. Planning ways to restructure institutions that don´t work

    16. Trying to create plans of freedom and equality

    17. Making projects of growth in a realistic way

  3. I don't do homework for people.  I did my own when I was in school.  Look up a few things on line and write your own work.

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