
How can emloyers lie to dept of labor about you so you have to have a hearingwhen he does that to everyone?

by  |  earlier

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i was approved for unemployment then a month later my ex employer wants to disprove me they said i might have to pay 700.00 back don't think he should be allowed to do that




  1. They ALWAYS take the employeers have to prove your case. They think the longer they delay the more likley you will go get a job.

  2. Employers usually lie in situations like this and the Dept of Labor knows it.  Get a hearing and tell your side of things again and you will probably win but they will give you a hard time.  Don't wimp out and let them intimidate you.

  3. I don't think so either. I would talk to someone at the department of labor and be forthcoming about whatever the situation is, and perhaps contact an attorney or Google some research as to what qualifies you and what doesn't. The more you are informed of what the laws are, the more likely you are to be taken seriously.

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