
How can enyone do this in the 21st century?

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  1. d**n McCartney is getting bored in his old age he keeps taking up all these causes.

  2. would you rather they starve to death over the next 6 months?

  3. Would it have really been so hard for you to SAY what you're asking?

    The reason given in the article is that the kangaroo population has gotten too large.

    If their natural preditors no longer exist in sufficient numbers, it throws the whole ecology out of wack.

    I don't know whether that's actually the case, though I suspect it is, or they wouldn't be planning on culling them (I don't live in Australia).

    Now how hard would it have been to write a sentence saying that you're asking about why Australia's planning to off some kangaroos?

  4. That's been a necessity for decades, if not centuries. Like it or not, humans are the top predator in Australia, and SOMEBODY has to control their numbers, or they'll ALL starve to death.

    Leave your Liberal sensibilities in your ivory tower.

  5. Unfortunately, some people have gotten overtaken by the spirit of the public eye - in this case, they've gotten completely out of control.  They're so concerned with "making a point," that they miss the point entirely.  The only thing we can do, is stop paying them so much undue attention; if people stop listening to their nonsense, maybe they won't spout as much of it.  ??  I understand your moral outrage.

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