
How can esp used in a good way?

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extra sensory perception




  1. Lets assume for a moment that ESP did exist.

    It would either be something that people could do on thier own, or it would be something that we would need spirits to help us do.

    If we do it on our own, then the good or bad part would just be a matter of judgement. How can your hands be used in a good way? How can your mouth be used in a good way?

    If its caused by spirits, then I would say you have no choice about how to use it, so it would not be up to you to use it for good or bad. You could only choose not to use it.

    However, we have to wait till someone can prove esp exists before we could reasonably contemplate the mechanics that make it possible.

  2. it can tell us what women want.....and then we do the opposite

  3. Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the purported ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. The term was coined by Duke University researcher J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as telepathy,the sensing of thoughts or feelings without help from the 5 known senses, precognition, the knowledge of future events, and clairvoyance, the awareness of people, objects or events without the help of the 5 known senses. ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct, a hunch, a weird vibe or an intuition. The term implies sources of information currently unexplained by science. Popular belief in ESP is widespread, but skeptics are still not persuaded that there truly is a sixth sense because of the lack of reliable theories and information

  4. It can be used to see what the dealer is holding at the blackjack table.

  5. The link below will take you to one way that psi ability can possibly be used for good.

    For ESP in particular that probably depends on the individual person and what if anything they choose to do with information.

    It appeared to be helpful to the CIA and military until a skeptic (defined as a member of CSICOP) in congress that sat on the "objective" analysis of the program didn't publish parts of the favorable evaluation and led the fight to cut the funding for the program.

    Links below.

    The more you know....


  6. As long as you use it in a way of helping other people, then yes it can be used for the greater good.

  7. You help people, however it comes at a cost to you, people don't realize it. So when you charge oh my goodness your a fake. Let them think that you have nothing to prove. So don't My philosophy. Those that need to be read will be.

  8. The same way that other imaginary stuff like fairys can be used in a good way- perhaps you can write a book and suck money out of the gullible.

  9. use it in a way that you will be helping other people. ;-)

  10. I worked with cerebral palsy handicapped people. Some of them  couldn't communicate. I tried to use ESP with them as much as possible (even tho I probably didn't have ESP) Just about  got to me...trying to do that. But if you REALLY have ESP...then  I wouldn't think it would be too hard...unless they're totally not able to think in words.

      Also, you could use it with animals..even tho they  probably don't know can pick up feelings.

      And don't forget the trees!!! lol

    Edit..I'll bet those who do testing on animals would "think again" if they could read/ feel their feelings!

    And...I think Terri Shivo would still be alive.!

    Edit..Also to read the mind of your enemy!

    Edit.. Wush..Good thinkin'! That's "DEEP"!!

  11. definitely not the way jean grey uses it on X-men 3: the last stand.

  12. ESP can be used to sense what is troubling others. I've heard cases of where people were ill and they couldn't get a successful diagnosis they've turned to people with ESP who have successfully found the problem. Sometimes people are down, unwell or out of sorts and the ESP'er is able to tap into them and find the problem in the subconscious.

    I've heard cases that dogs that also behave strangely around owners looking dejected and putting a paw on a certain area which turned out to need treatment.  (I'll reserve judgment on that for now!). Its been argued that this is a case of ESP

    I don't know how it really works, but it is clear that it gets results.

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