
How can garbage be of economic use?

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How can we make of use of garbage in a productive way, such that it benefits a cities or country's economy?




  1. Garbage can be used to make fertilizers. Or it can be used to fill up the sea to claim back some land. S'pore is one of the countries doing that.

  2. Properly designed and filled, landfills can be used to trap and vent methane gas to be used to power steam generators to make electricity.  Raw garbage can not be burned without residual toxins and high CO2 releases, even the new fancy scrubber filters are only 85% effective.

  3. The Garbage can be burned in a non-toxic producing way to heat water.  The water gives steam and runs a generator which creates electricity.  Check out the Popular Science article :

    Doing this also reduces the land area and transportation required for garbage processing.

  4. YES, for how and all the statistics etc ... please chk the following site

  5. Burning trash can produce energy. You can take the energy it produces to drive a generator. Not sure exactly how the engineering or science of it all is done, but its being done in many places today. The first intial burn can be started with a little gas and a match, whatever. All you have to do after you get the first burn going is to keep it going with a steady supply of garbage.

    Its an alternative source of energy. It wings us partly off of fosil fuels we use to generate existing energy, like the fosil fuels we use to power gasoline and disel generators.

    That is vital to our economy because buying less fossil fuels gives us more money overall to pay off national debt and trade debt. It also keeps us less in debt to the big oil giants.  Furthermore, it also creates more jobs, it takes people to run, manage, and keep going those plants that burn the trash.

  6. Garbage can be used to make biomass, or biofuel, which is better for the environment.

  7. With that logic, by making more garbage will save our energy crisis.

  8. This is a great question. Given the shortage of energy. At a land fill near my home, there are vent flames burning 24 - 7. I looks like the Olympic torch. It must not be commercially freezable to harvest this fuel for consumption.

  9. It can be burned as fuel for power. Gas from landfills can be collected and burned. This is being done in some places.

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