
How can get rid of unfairness, unreasonableness and irrationality from the planet?

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Maybe it is impossible to get rid of these things completely but surely if enough people see these things as seriously problematic then we can start working together to make some progress in this direction. After all unfairness, unreasonableness and irrationality in my opinion are the main causes of all of the worst of mankinds problems so surely we must do something? But what? What can/should I do as an individual?




  1. Death solves all problems... No man, no problem!  


  2. I guess if you look at the social history of humanity you find a lot of attempts to do this which go awry becasue of thepredominance of self interest and need for status. The examples which all had problems of inner corruption only serve to dash anyones faithin trying them so we muddle through.

    I think it has to start at a small group level - there are small endeavours to make this happen in some religious communities and co-operative communities.

    I also think that the media keeps us stuck in an unquestioning mode of dualism - right and wrong  etc.

    If we arent careful we'll just eat ourselves - I dont knwo why it is so pscyhologically threatening to let go of the muddles - perhaps we as a species like moaning and having problems just too much for our own good.

  3. I'm in with Amy W

  4. Nice idea, but you will never be able to get rid of it unless you could convince everyone else on the planet to do the same!

  5. Unreason is reason depending on your point of view. This is why unspeak is so common among politicians. The reason that the world appears irrational is because the discourse and thought in the world is shaped by conflict between different groups. As on the one hand the present self-slanted polemics and on the other they generate unworkable arguments to get the  opposition into bed with them. For some people it is quite rational to be irrational. For the actual rational planning people would have to be cooperative rather than involved in constant competition with each other.

  6. Worry about yourself and not about what you can't change.

    Strive to be a better person. Volunteer. Do something for the environment...

  7. You can't and really why should we try. It is naturally occuring situation everywhere on the planet and extends beyond man and mans doing.

  8. Don't stress over this. It is unfortunately not possible with the way this world is. God is good, if you ever choose to seek, Amen. But people often blame God for "creating evil", God is good, he is love and man created evil. Everyone is tempted by the devil, but without knowing Jesus Christ as our savior we will never even notice it happening to us. Pretty much, the world is living in darkness, we do not know what we stumble upon. But Jesus Christ is the light, and you will see what is in your way and that's where you can avoid temptations and falls. God promised all his children a home in heaven, kingdom. Beautiful. None of this world stuff. Just remember in your heart that he loves you, and if you ever choose to seek him, yay:] but that is your choice. Just open your heart to him and allow him to reveal himself to you. God bless you friend. &i feel yah on the whole wanting all this "gone". :] bye!

  9. buy an AK47 and start shooting every unfair, unreasonable or irritable person you meet.

  10. Put ecstasy in the water..

  11. Well it is Friday, buy a bottle of tequila and drink it all, just chillo out and stop worrying about all this nonsense........enjoy your life.

  12. don't focus on it.  Do pro-peace not anti-war.  By asking this question it has summoned up a little bit more unfairness, unreasonability, and irrationality in the world.  Put it out of your mind, act fairly, get good not bad vibes going and if we all did that it might catch on!

  13. First, you sum up everything wrong in three very broad categories.  To make a change, pick a very specific example and try to fix that.  After several lifetimes when it is fixed, move on to the next problem.

    Second, it just can't be done.  In effect, trying to accomplish such a feat would be unfair to the people that don't want to change.  Not to mention that the only way of accomplishing it here on earth would be both unreasonable and irrational.

  14. 1) Kill the Human Race!

    2) Try a form of political theory that is not based on so many rights

    3) Destroy cultural difference and embrace universalism

    4) As an individual? Save your money and go and live in a Thai village, the three things you mentioned might apply to Western eyes but if you can surmount that barrier you'll find for the Thai they don't exist.

  15. respect other peoples choice, orientation and or religion

  16. I don't know, but if you get everyone else on the planet to go along with your idea, you can count me in.

  17. Get rid of all the human beings ............. humans are the worst race!

  18. getting rid of the catholic church would be a good start....

  19. Who would decide what is unfair,unreasonable and irrational?

    You can't say the majority because that would be unfair to the minority.

    Many dictators throughout history have imposed their version of fairness on the world.

    So all we can do is live our lives the way we see best

    Live and let live,and give help where wanted.

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