
How can girls be friends with guys?

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Well... I have a problem that creates more and more other problems... I am fat.. I try to loose weight, its a bit hard but I'm trying... Basically my problem is that when I want to talk bad to another person, or fight, I don;t have anyone to defend me, any boy I mean... So I don't say anything and I keep back.. I have girl friends and I'm really satisfied with them, they are my life.. But no one guy wants to be just friend with me... He thinks that I have to look good at my outside to only hang out.. So I want your advices for how can I be friends with guys..

Thank you




  1. If they think you have to look good to be friends with them, then they aren't worth it. I think you should be satisfied with the way you look right now, and thats that. Guy Friends aren't a must. Actually, most guy friends i have are jerks and weirdosss.... rofl. Hang with the girls, and you should be fine. If they aren't picky about looks, then they ARE a must!  

  2. i'm not going to lie, you have it harder because of your weight. people are judgemental. however, it's not something you can't overcome. You might just have to try a little bit harder to get people's respect, especially male. Honestly, some of the most well-liked girls in my grade are heavier, but they all either funny, nice, or just have a general awesome personality. They are kwl/fun to be around, and so guys want to be around them, aka be their friend.

    And who says now that you need a guy to defend you? Stick up for yourselve, you definitely don't want people to see you as a pushover.

  3. ok dis is wat you do..........

    act confident around all guys when your near them no madder wat. put yourself out there and you alsome personality should shine through. and do you rely wanna b wit a guy who only likes you on ur looks?? NO!!!! there are plenty of nice guys out there that dont go by looks. jst dnt b shy n show them ur wild side so u n him cn hav an alsome time hanging out!! :)

  4. the sad thing about guys is that they usually don't settle for being friends with girls. if they are friends with a girl it's because they're hoping it'll become more some day.

    another sad thing about guys is that they're shallow. what you need to find is a guy that likes you for who you are. a guy that won't care if you're not perfect looking.

    i don't really understand why you only want a guy friend so you can fight with people. friendship isn't supposed to be about convenience... if the only thing you want out of a guy is back up then i don't think you should bother at all. you don't need to talk bad about people anyway.

  5. well.. i asked all my guy friends this and they said 99% of the time, a guy never makes friends with a girl unless they fancy her.

    otherwise just be nice.

  6. well... the best way to meet guys is through other people, b/c then you kinda have someone to vouch for you like "ya, she's cool" instead of trying to win them over yourself. And lets just say, its not your body thats the problem. Its your confidence. I knew plenty of girls in highschool who were over weight but had tons of guy friends. But there were also some that were just quiet and you could tell they thought they werent worth talking to... so no one did. Now, if you're still in highschool or junior high, its not easy to change peoples perspective about you. But, just being outgoing and talking to them is a big step. A sense of humor is key with guys! Don't be too girly.. talk about things they are interested in, such as football or hunting or whatever.. but make sure you know something about the subject.. or you could spin it another way and ask them qustions to find out more about the subject. Its hard to make friends.. but the only way your going to do it is if you think you are worth it.. and you are! You're body shape doesnt affect who you are, only you can affect who you are. And people may judge you based on that, but either ignore em, or prove them wrong!

  7. She does not look at for what they say of you, if they look at for its appearance deveiram to look at inside of they themselves, I eye the heart and see that you are devoid of friends. If you to want I you can be its friend, you can count on me, share with me I you will be its better friend. He orders email for me we will talk.

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