
How can global trade be made more fairer?

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Not fairer but sustainable.




  1. Let the free market dictate.  Stop with all the unecessary mandates, regulations, taxes and tariffs on goods and services.

  2. Global trade is causing energy shortage and global warming! We should buy and eat local.

    So much energy is wasted in importing/exporting things like fruits and vegetables using ships and aircraft.....we should eat what is produced locally.

  3. Ensure all workers have decent safety and health standards. Ensure all make a living wage.

    Discourage slave labor practices.

  4. Tax the c**p out of everything coming into the U.S.

  5. it can't..

    people need to stop thinking of a "WORLD" community.. it doesn't work well never has.. i could care less about the crud someone on the other side of the world has to deal with to go to work.. his goals and mine are compleatly disjointed...

    instead if each country would do their job and take care of THEIR workers everything would work better...

    much like your neighborhood.. you dont' really TRY to help your neighbor buy groceries.. or tell him how/where to get a car.. that is HIS decision...

    people that want a "Global community" are the same ones that want to tell you where to buy groceries or buy your car.

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