
How can he last so long!?!?! (guys only)?

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I'm having a problem with my boyfriend. He's really really attracted to me and I know I turn him on immediately, but when we're on the real thing he has never ejaculated...He doesn't have any problem with it staying up or anything, it's just that we can be 2 hours non-stop and he keeps going and going. It all ends with masturbation and me feeling extremely tired. What can I do?? Ive tried a lot of different positions and give 100% of my energy, but he never gets there!!!! And i'm starting to feel that he isn't that attracted to me :(




  1. happy it could be only 5 min or less...

  2. being attracted to you isn't the issue, odds are that he's been masturbating and uses up his sperm supply before the two of you go at it

  3. In addition to the other possibilities answered by the other people you might consider this.  Is he violating religious background to engage in s*x outside of marriage ? Guilt can prevent him from "allowing himself" from satisfaction.  I know a man that had to have counseling to "convince  him" that even though he had married according to religious scruples that he still had a "residual guilt complex) about s*x and had to get affirmation of approval" by seeing a counselor of his own religious  background.

  4. no no no your fine

    try roll playing


    p**n (its really helps)

    ask him what will help

    communicate while having s*x

    its the best way to please both of you

  5. no its not you.

    try harder to turn him on,

    lap dance maybe??

  6. His problem is either medical (should check for prostate issues...not sure of his age but he is over 30 he may want to get checked out) he is jerking off too much (decreases sensitivity of his unit) or emotional (does not feel a connection to you emotionally).  I'd bet on the jerking off thing.

    Either way...try lots of forplay to the point where he is about to explode then put it in.  Also have him teach you how he pleasures himself.  You do that at the beginning and then insert.

  7. maybe you should take charge and show him that you also have a wild side and if he likes it, his sperm glands may trigger.(also make sure that he isn't cheating)

  8. Sounds just like my problem.     For years I couldn't achieve o****m in normal s*x.      I finally discovered that it was because of the nerve damage from circumcision.

    Circumcision always damages the p***s, and always destroys at least 50% of sexual sensitivity, or more.     In my case it was a lot more.

    I found out about f******n restoration in March '07, and have restored a lot of my sensitivity.    Orgasms have increased in intensity to the point where they're almost unbearably great; something I never knew existed!

    Circumcision is genital mutilation; whether perpetrated on males or female.     It destroys sensitivity and sexual ability.

    Nothing good ever comes from circumcision except for the doctors who make money from it, and are frequently members of the minority religious groups that try to impose this practice on others.    And the minority religious groups can claim another victim, also.

    If your boyfriend restores his f******n, he will achieve new heights in sexual pleasure, and you will also.

  9. I know sometimes when i m********e, i can never get off.  I think its because he may be trying too hard to get off

    or he does have a problem.  Try talking to him about this

  10. Don't do it 5 times a day. Stick too 2 or 3

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