
How can higher taxes help global warming?

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Our governments seem to have hit upon a sure-fire way of getting us to pay higher taxes by pretending that the revenue will help in the fight against global warming.

How much of the increased revenue goes to reducing CO2 emissions?




  1. Short reply , none, its just our theiving robbing government doing what they do best ,s******g you and i out of what we legitamately earned and hiding it behind a smoke screen of lies,look at our allies /see the double finger action) they dont give a monkeys for the kioto agreement on emmisions and that boils down to the fact they pay peanutsfor their feul and no extravagant taxes so they swan around all day in six lite cars guzzling gas and we get the two fingers from them meanwhile we put up with the lies because we have been lied to all our lves and know no better,the french may be wimps but they wouldnt put up with the c**p we do........


  3. Tin can pretty much has it right. Another excuse to tax us. Pelosi has touted the 'greening' of Congress. Yes, the a/c and heating needed to be updated and more efficient. But the money saved there is being spent to upgrade the food in the Congressional cafeteria. Strawberries in January?

  4. Higher Taxes help nobody.  As for trying to pay for something to stop Global Warming?  That assuming we have the power to control the weather of an entire planent. Last time I looked, nobody has said that we do.

    It's a feel-good deal that can used as another excuse to separate you from your hard earned money.

    Once a dollar is dropped in the bottomless tax pit it's never seen again.  I'd be upset about that if a dollar was actually worth something.

  5. How indeed? It's a total con and we are all falling for it hook, line & sinker! The tax I pay on petrol, what is it being used for? The Olympics, a war no-one supports, MPs pay, and more middlemen to further clog up the workings of the education and health systems.

    How on earth can money be used to stop CO2 emissions? The very act of money changing hands by taxation creates CO2 emissions, never mind the subsequent spending of it!

  6. no, only people making changes in their life with help


    people will not have as much money to buy.

    hybrid cars

    solar panels

    double pane windows

    new energy efficient home heaters, computers, ETC ETC ETC.

    it never was about global warming

    global warming is just a scam for the treehuggers to get a large number of new environmental laws on the books.

    once the laws are the books global warming will not mater any more.

    it is easy to put laws on the books if people think global warming is real

    when they find that it is not it will be impossible to get the laws repealed.

    if they get global warming taxes on the book they to will be impossible to get them repealed too.

    they will just be spent on some other program.

  8. is a little delusional.  Capping companies so they have to buy credits is stupid.  Things we buy will cost more or less people will be employed.  They give small credits to countries like the US and give more credits than countries need like Kenya use so they can then 'sell' American companies credits.  This is simply stupid.  We all pay taxes when we buy things but I guess if we have less stuff to buy because the credits are used up the lost tax revenue will have to be made up for higher gas/income taxes and if companies can not sell enough goods because of a lack of credits that means more people will be out of work so this IS THE STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OF!  There are not enough 'rich' people to pay for everything in this world so why expect them to. If I were 'rich' enough I would by a large island to live on and give the one finger salute to any government bureaucrat and tell him/her where to go. Who monitors all this and then hands out the credits? The UN? God help us all if the UN can gain control of the world economy.

    In the words of Public Enemy (the rap group from the 80s) "Do not believe the hype"!

  9. it will be called carbon trading and the manufacturers will have to buy carbon permits to the amount they emit co2 .

    that money will be used towards carbon reduction programs and also green energy.

    companies can also carry out energy saving initives in third world country and offset those carbon savings in europe operations.

    so NO all these are not a way of just extra taxes.

    what has been ommited is carbon tax on airlines which i think is a shame.

  10. they don't. It is the other way around. Global warming hype helps justify higher taxes

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