
How can homosexuality be genetic if g**s generally don't have kids?

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Is it like the AIDS theory that it was brought over to the US by a g*y guy and some how ended up in the straight population because there was a bi-sexual person thrown in there at some point? Where does the g*y gene come from?




  1. haha.  That's funny.  I don't think it's hereditary but my psychiatrist thinks it is.  My dad came out when I was 20 and he was married to my mom for 20 years.  Anyways my psychiatrist said there is a chance my son would be g*y bc my dad is...and I think that is total bull s***!!! However, I do think some people can be born with a g*y gene.  There was a story on 20/20 or something like that about a child having traits that were feminine and he grew up to be g*y.  He would run like a girl and do that hand thing.

  2. Traffic,

    Arrangements have been made for you to lecture the International Association of Genetic Scientists in Prague in September next.

    Everyone awaits your scientific theory as to why it is OK to fear g**s and denigrate them whenever possible, before church, of course.

    Drag out your books kiddo, these people are all, ...what was it, ...let me remember, ...wait, ...oh yeah...educated.

  3. The human genome has been completely mapped, and no "g*y gene" recessive or otherwise, has been identified.  Most researchers agree that there are probably a great diversity of reasons for a person to be homosexual.  It seems straights are more worried about the reasons than g**s are.  I wonder, is the "hate" gene or the "intolerance" gene or the "inability to spell or use punctuation" gene dominant or recessive? Do haters care where their hate comes from?

  4. NO! It's from their hormones when they were developed in the womb. It's similar to how a boy or girl develops in the womb. There's no boy or girl gene, but they are developed as a boy or girl with certain hormones.

  5. It's a tough and touchy question, and a little too in-depth for a simple answer.  Having a "g*y gene" is way too simplistic.  My personal opinion is that homosexuality is not a choice, but not necessarily a genetic thing.  I don't want to say homosexuality has one direct cause, because things as complex as these hardly do, but it may be a social thing.  I don't mean a purely superficial thing, like a boy likes playing with dolls and, ergo, he's g*y, but deeply rooted perceptions of identity and relation to the world, a psychological thing, and perhaps partly biological.  Investigating the issue from a social level has the most thorough and convincing explanations, for me, at least, because what we percieve to be homosexuality various cross-culturally.  For example, in Melanesia pre-pubescent boys would be taken under the wing of an adult male, their mentors, who would as a rite of passage into adulthood inseminate them orally or anally.  You can't possibly argue these are homosexuals since every male in their society undergoes this ritual.  The ritual insemination of males undergoing a rite of passage into adulthood is a cultural event that conveys some sort of symbolic message particular to their culture.  Such observations of different definitions of homosexuality across cultures (even between economic and educational statuses in a given culture, I think) tests ones own convictions that are inextricably linked to their social identity. Sexuality, then, from a cross-cultural perspective should be conceived as a sort of continuum.  In most Western cultures the line is artifically defined in the three-fold fashion of g*y, straight, and bi.  But these lines are only artifical, purely socially drawn on the line of sexuality, which extends continually from one end of the spectrum to the next.  It may push some peoples buttons, which it should, since the all-to-familiar g*y-straight-bi triptych is linked to our very cultural conception of the world around us.  I apologize for being long-winded, but such a complex question requires a long time to flesh out :)

  6. Research has shown that g**s make great aunts or uncles That's how their genetic heritage is passed on..

  7. There's no such thing as the g*y gene.  It's a popular misconception, an urban legend.  If we have genes for eye color, then there must be a gene determining behavior?  Wrong.

  8. Wow.  I guess I am in the minority. Everyone goes through a fetal stage as a female.  As males mature in the womb, their ovaries pass through the body wall to their expected position.  The male hormones guide the body in its development.  Many of the male features have corresponding female features.  The point is there isn't as much physical difference as some people think.  Clearly we end up being different but we start out the same.  I think some homosexuality can occur from learned behavior and it is equally obvious to me that some people have not had a complete transfer to normal maleness.  In addition, some females may have too much male hormones.  It is all very complex.  There certainly isn't one gene involved.  Our sexuality is a delicate balance, especially in the developmental stage.  That is why everyone should be respected, no matter how they developed.

  9. The publication of two studies on the sexual behavior in men and women, that carried out the American biologist Alfred Charles Kinsey, refuted the hypothesis of the disease. Psychological tests realised to homosexuals and heterosexuals showed that it among them were no pathological aspects differentiators. Although some evidences exist - in studies of twin binoculars and that suggest them genes can be a factor in the sexual direction, other theories affirm that it is more probable that the determining factors are the experiences lived during the childhood. In 1973, the Psychiatric Association of the United States eliminated the homosexuality of its list of mental diseases and, in 1980, of the DSM, Manual of Classification of the Mental Diseases of the OMS

  10. Everything on this earth... and the Universe... was created by God for a reason.  Tell me ONE thing that wasn't created for any particular reason!!

    Trees... Rocks... Ocean... Animals.... bacteria..... atoms..... metals....... HUMAN BEINGS..... all that and a lot more was created for a reason!

    A lot of the answers, we don't have yet. But one question we do have the answer for, is why were humans created? It is to reproduce.  Now how can g*y couples reproduce? They can't.  Therefore, there is no g*y gene.... it is just how those particular individuals feel or think they feel - (liking the same s*x).

  11. Well, nobody knows where the g*y gene came from. Gayness is a genetic mutation which causes a weird voice/social awkwardness. Unfortunately, there is no cure for gayness.

  12. There's no such thing as a g*y gene or being born g*y or anything like that. we are born with the human nature. which is: for a man and a woman to be in love. (and no s*x change and really make u a woman, or man for that matter!!!). being homosexual is a choice that an individual makes on their own. It may be at a young age it may be  at an older age, doesn't matter. my view on it: idk how u became a homsexual, it's just plain wrong!!! and rather disturbing!!

  13. Like everything else, its a survival mechanism.  People do not get born then go off and live alone, they live in societies.  Societies that have better survival values survive better than those that don't.  So long ago it became apparent that although raising kids is very important to the survival of a society, there are also jobs a society needs done that people without kids have time to do better.  Trade, military, spiritual, organizational, all kinds of jobs can be done better if one is not held down by totally legitimate, important responsibilities to kids.  So a small per centage of the population is conveniently born every generation without interest in doing the things nature requires to produce children.  Its a totally practical adaptation of nature to a need.  Its why societies that accept homosexuals and let them contribute invariably do better than those that don't.  The societies that hold people back lose out on their talents and they eventually collapse.  It is the law of God.  The REAL God not the BS preached by crooked TV evangelists out for a fast buck.

  14. Same way hemophilia and cystic fibrosis was transmitted even though sufferers rarely lived long enough to have children.  Some people carry recessive genes without exhibiting the affliction.

    But is there a 'g*y gene', or is it developmental?

  15. Thank you Kosuke! You are one of the smart ones here:) There is not a "g*y gene"...Being g*y is completely a choice to go against nature.

    I believe people choose to be g*y because they suffered through a trauma like sexual abuse, or it was modeled to them as a child. It is something people can recover from with the right kind of therapy, and many have.

    I agree with you too Robbo and Missy

  16. I dont believe there is such a thing as a g*y gene....thats word of mouth people saying stupid things. I do however belive that you are born g*y you dont just one day become g*y.

  17. because the g*y part of someones dna could have been recesive so it didn't show up in the parents but when two bparents with the recesive trait combine the trait will become dominant in the child. Therfore a g*y kid. Kind of sad you didn't learn about traits in 5th or sixt grade.

  18. Umm g**s can have kids just as much as strait people can. they just prefer their  gender. Also some strait people may just "try out" their gender and then decide that its not for them

    and idk if theres an actual gene but i really dont know so there might be

  19. Most humans are latently bisexual, even if it's 0.0000001%

    g*y men used to marry and have kids all the time in the past.

    I don't think homosexuality is caused by a gene. I think it's a question of genetics, hormones during pregnancy and also culture which all work together and make someone more or less likely to be more or less g*y.

    It's also a question of genetic mutation. Every once in a while some is born with 6 toes, even though their parents don't have that gene. It's biodiversity, and we should welcome it - it's the key to the human races survival.

    Imagine if we were all the same, then a virus came along - it would kill us all. Now because we are all different, there will always be people who survive.

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