
How can horses run on ice?

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Is it possible for horses to run across an icy pond or river? How will they keep from slipping/sliding? If a rider is on such a horse, is it easy for him or her to control the horse? Please help me with some details - I've got a historical piece to write regarding ancient warfare (medieval) on horseback during winter in the far north, where ice is a fact of life. I hope there's a horse expert or someone who knows about this who can answer my questions. Thanks!




  1. its possible

  2. the horses wear studs in the shoes that dig into the on the ice in switzerland has been going on for years and the idea was routed in the knowledge gained from riding in the north many years ago.the best 4 wheel drive machines ever invented is the horse.when riding on sheet ice you have to trust the horse,sit very still ,give them all the rein they need and let them sort it out,they dont want to fall over just as much as we dont so 99 times out of 100 they will stay upright.

  3. With the right shoes. The blacksmiths make and made an ice shoe with special spikes for ice.

  4. well it depends on it's shoes we (my barn) has these ones with like a grip on them

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