
How can humans society change their ways to reduce global warming?

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How can humans society change their ways to reduce global warming?




  1. Easy --- Have less children.....  The only problem with that is only the intelligent will have less kids and the low lifes will have more..... This world needs a mass die off --- a plague or something.   The planets having problems sustaining all these people.... 6 Billions too much....

  2. exonerate  everyone sitting in jails( with the exception of major felons)....and replace them with the idiots who started this furor(inciting a riot is still a crime,right?).......they'll be well fed, and we won't have to listen to this dribble as much!...and by the way, it's "fewer"children, not "less" children!....and as far as that part in that paper that was signed so long ago about the "pursuit of happiness", I'll have as many children as I wish thank you. And until we're annexed by China ,you have nothing to say about it!

  3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Here are some ways:

  4. We can't, and there is no global warming.

  5. Easy.  Here are some ideas:

    ~Try carpooling with people.

    ~Change regular bulbs to fluorescent.

    ~Take a cooler shower.

    These are just some of the many ideas of stopping Global Warming.  If you would like to learn more ways, go to this website:

    Hope this helps!

  6. global warming is a government agenda to make us brainwashed and spend $$$ we have and on products we don't need...

    Stats on so called Global warming hasn't decreased since 1997 and increase population control was mainly due to natural causes rather than man made causes

  7. We can not fix what the plants have already  fixed.

  8. Global Warming is starting- whether or not by the greenhouse effect/ the ozone layer is out of my league.  Whether or not it stops I don't know. I do know that the sun has reached a hotter stage on this planet, if you know what I mean- since it is really hot nowadays.  When has Texas been reaching over a hundred degrees for about a week in Kaleen?  Even two weeks? Florida, the sunshine state, has way too many forest fires.  For 21 days, florida has experienced over 91 degrees since June 1998.  It is believed that abnormal weather set the stage for the fires. According to the NCDC (National Climatic Data Center), "daily high temperatures in Amarillo, Texas reached 100°F on thirteen days during June, and averaged at least 100°F for eight consecutive days between 22 - 29 June, thus tying a record set in 1924. The Spring of 1998 has produced an exceptional pattern of weather extremes in the United States. Partially a result of the dissipating El Niño event, a strong and persistent ridge of high pressure has set up over the southeast and south-central United States resulting in severe drought conditions for the southern and southeastern U.S. Exceptionally wet conditions have prevailed for the northern and northeastern U.S. in part due to an enhancement and northward shifting of the sub-tropical jet stream with wind speeds in the jet core as much as 2 times normal for this time of year. The drought in some parts of the southeastern U.S., such as Florida, developed very quickly when precipitation virtually came to a halt during late March...   It is clear that in the decade of the 1990's a greater area of the United States has experienced a climate extreme than in any other decade of this century. "

    Also this is what was marked as data, "The global mean temperature for June 1998 continued this year's record breaking trend with the highest temperature anomaly since reliable records began in 1880. This conclusion was based on separately examining land data using the Global Historical Climatology Network; ocean data using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) - Reynolds Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) blended with the NOAA Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) and the United Kingdom Meteorological Office Historical SST analysis; and a global surface temperature index that combines the ocean and land data. The final anomaly may change due to inclusion of new areas of the world not currently represented. Each of the anomaly time series is based on its respective 1880-1998 mean.

    Though the recent El Niño has ended, El Niño's higher than average Sea Surface Temperatures over a large area of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean during the past year put extra warmth into the global climate system, which likely contributed to the recent global record high temperatures. "  Explain this someone, please.

    When does it feel dry hot in the morning?  At 9 A.M.?  Is summer really this hot in the South (particularly the SE) all the time- every single day?  It's even hot at night!

  9. there are people who care about global warming, and they will do small sacrifices in their life styles but sadly people are used to the comforts of modern life that most of us are reluctant to change..

  10. Well, if you open your eyes and look at it in reality, this is a cycle in the weather pattern. You may want to do some thinking for yourself and not let the High Priest of Global Warming Al ( Captain Charisma) Gore think for you.

  11. try here

  12. human made this problem so they should only solve this problem including me and u .we can try to use the cloth bags instead of plastic materials.then there are many ways but we people should satisfy certain things.

  13. I agree with the above comment on having less children.  People who claim to want to save the planet then selfishly have a baby are all hypocrites.  Just by adding another person to the planet they have doubled their carbon footprint.  I'm sure that they will argue that they have babies in the hopes that one of them will grow up and solve the Earth's problems but that is not taking responsibility for what we are doing.  They are just pushing the problem to the next generation which is how we got into this mess.  

    Everywhere you look you see people.  I can go outside on any day and see between 10 to 100 people easy.  If you went outside and saw that many rats you would think that we have a huge problem.  

    If you want to save the planet then reduce the population.

  14. not have any electricity and stare at the wall all day, walk  everywhere or use bycicles

  15. Make all of mankind go broke unable to buy anything in the stores

    .. . ..

    That will stop all production of merchandise and make producing electricity obsolete because no body can pay the electric bills

    .. . ..

    And everybody will have to walk to where they want to go

    .. . ..

    No more wars

    No more pollution

    No more population problems

    .. . ..

    Fixes every thing

    .. . ..

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