
How can i , a thirteen year old girl, help the environment?

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what can i do to help




  1. You can save electricity by turning tvs and lights off when leaving a room, shutting down your computer when not in use, not changing clothes several times a day (more laundry takes more water & electricity), asking your Mom to buy products with less packaging (cereal in bags instead of boxes).  Lots of ways!

  2. Tell your parents to buy more efficient lights and to drive the car less...or ride a bike instead of driving.  Turn off lights, appliances when they're not being used...

  3. Try to do what the first answerer said...Carpool if you cant ride a bike. (Its more dangerous for little girls to be out alone now a days)...

    RECYCLE..everything, paper, bottles, cans, plastic..

    turn off the water when  you are brushing your teeth. do laundry only when you have a full load...

    turn off lights, tvs, fans when you leave the room--turn up the AC when you arent home.. try not to have it below 79...etc.

    little things like that really do help : )

    Good Luck!

  4. dont litter, pick up garbage and put it in the trash, recycle, ride your bike places instead of getting your parrents to drive you

  5. You can aware people from acid rain effects.

    First you have to aware from ill effects of acid rain from the link i provided in source.

    Then,you can give this link to your friends so that they can also be aware from acid rain.Then,your friends should give this link to their friends,In this way,Your friends and people can aware from ill-effects of acid rain .

  6. Get some friends, a couple boxes of trash bags and head to a local park or natural preserve and scoop up all the litter.  Arrange for somebody to collect the bags and take them to the dump.

  7. I'm 13 and me + my friend pick up trash, recycle, I started a compost pile, I have my own vegetable garden, you can plant flower, trees etc. Turn lights off when you leave a room, don't litter, don't run the water when brushing your teeth.

  8. Learn, save, grow up understanding! Cut your electric use by turning off lights when not used. Use less hot water. Recycle. I take cardboard to work for it to be bailed. Have saved over $5 million dollars in electricity.

  9. recycle, ride your bike like every where, car pool, anything is possible!!!

  10. well, there are lot of things that you can do.

    remember the 3 R's:

    REDUCE - using less materials that contribute to pollution and stop some wasteful habits

    REUSE- using old material into something useful

    RECYCLE- segregate waste material from biodegradable and non-biodegradable

  11. You could plant, tell your mom to by Energy Star product, carpooling, recycle, and pick up your trashes.

  12. You ain't no freekin teeny boper and I want you to hold your breath for eighty years, oh and by the way, no eating or using electricity either,  bye..

  13. u can do many things tell ur parents to buy energy effeient light bulbs or pick up trash there are many more

  14. Make simple changes in your daily life.  one persons change, multiplied by millions= global change.

    Be conscious of the products you buy (do they animal test, recycle?, where do they get material from?)

    Buy local!

    Grow your own food (i'm doing an indoor garden out of pots in my apt)

    Energy efficient technology

    CONSERVE water (that running water in the shower/bath until you get it to right temp can be used to water plants)  

    My computer just lost all my saved stuff, so I dont have websites for you

    Google water conservation and you'll find simple ways to save.

    Oh and supporting good causes, like,, those organizations.

    uhm, of course planting trees, seeking out non profits that do community work.

    ok i'll end there. good luck and great question!

  15. No more long showers.  Try to limit the time to 5 minutes.  Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth.  Put trash in its proper container.  Don't litter.  Buy a water bottle that can be re-used & fill it with cold tap water so you can take it with you.  Be sure to wash it out between uses.  Wear your outfits more than once to save on water.  Start a "Green Living" club at school.  Ask the teachers to help.  Good for you!

  16. Plant a tree... ride your bike to school... start studying sciences and come up with a new form of energy... be conscience of how to conserve and realize that your generation (or your children's generation) will have to deal with decade's worth of our polluting ways!

    This is probably going to get worse before we realize we need to make it better.

  17. More than you think ,infect your friends with a love for nature

    this may help


    Eco problems

    Animals and people

    check the answers under Eco conscious and conservation

    and here is a handy list

    all of it comes from here

  18. Well the first thing you can do is turn off the lights in your house when you aren't in the room. And you should turn off the tv or computer when not using it. And it also helps if you recycle some old stuff in your house...

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