
How can i 4. Use continuing professional development to improve my practice?

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answer as a teacher




  1. Not exactly sure what you are asking here???!! CPD will improve your practice in what ever aspect you decide to choose. Check the teacher training agency for what is available in your area. I am currently doing a module in coaching and mentoring as part of my masters, but there are lots of professional based courses available so it depends on what you are looking for.

  2. I'd suggest reading.  As a teacher you are responsible for your own professional development.  It really depends what you want to improve and how long you have been teaching for.

    Alexander (2004) writes a great book about dialogic teaching.  I really belive this is at the forefront of professional development at the moment and it is very interesting.

    Your school will also be able to sign you up for some INSET courses. Your probably best off talking to your head, or deputy and telling them that you are interested in developing your practice, they will be able to point you in the right direction

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