
How can i NOT hate seeing other girls with BFs?

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Hey im a 15 year old girl in high school and it sucks so bad to see other girls with boyfriend because i know i disereve it too. I wish i had that too and it kills me to see pictures of some people with thier boyfriend and it looks so great and i dont know, i cant have a bf cuz im not allowed to date.

Im pretty, and sweet and have a rly great personality its just rite now no one really likes me....

Those girls r so lucky =[...




  1. just hold on, quit the tears, hopefully one day a guy will come to you, be happy , i wish you the best luck

  2. I know how you feel. Its the feeling of wanting something you cant have. What I mean by that is those particular boys. You will get a boyfriend eventually.

    PS: You can add me if you want.;...

  3. Your problem is that you are not allowed to date.Start by trying to convince your parents to lift the ban on your dating,convince them that you are going to be a responsible girl who would make them proud.All you ask is that they trust you enough to let you date.As a compromise, tell them you will bring your boyfriend around to meet them when you get one.That should do it.

  4. kinda in the same situation...Well you dont hate seeing girls with BF b/c you dont envy them...Great personality not too envy, but it takes time to have a BF or GF...I say if you dont have bfs now, its because something better is waiting for you...being desperate wont help but be patient...Some gentleman will appear for you.

    Sweet girl, I mean, Sweet Young lady I wish you luck!...

    Take care...

  5. im not really allowed to date either haha. u can be secert about it if you dont mind lying to ur parents if you really want to. thats what i do. idkk haha im in the same boat sorta as you :/

  6. idk...

    but good luck though!

  7. Ah, nothing like a nice couple making out to make u realize wat a loner u r. Yeah, i feel that way too sometimes, but u gotta understand that at this age, guys are stupid. they just want to grab, and tell. Wait awhile, its always worth the wait ;P

  8. aw hun i was the same way in high school. it always made me a little jealous to see couples in the hallways. but unfortunately, since you're not allowed to date, you have to suck it up. it's hard.

    however, you'll find someone eventually. my first kiss was at 17 and i'm 18 now and i have my first long term boyfriend. i had a few week long relationships my senior year but that's it. just wait hun. i promise you that you're time will come. i truly know how you feel. i was in the exact same position. you just have to tough it out.

    here's a quote that i absolutely love.....

    "Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the

    tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are

    afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten

    apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree."

    good luck sweetie. just be patient =]

  9. Sorry kid, but if you were as pretty and sweet, and had a great personality than you wouldn't "hate" seeing other people happy. I'm not trying to put you down but karma has a way of either enhancing a life or not. Try and be happy for the other people, be kind to everyone. People WILL notice this and you will have pleanty of boys to chose from. But if you walk around pissed off all the time you will get exactly what you deserve.......... Nothing.

    I know you said your not allowed to date, but thats not the real problem is it ? what really bothers you is that no one likes you right now. Think about that, and really think about why. Try and be the best person you can be and good things will come.... CC

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