
How can i Showcase Australian "Aussie" culture to a Japanese High School class???

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I am an Australian exchange student in japan... In one week i have to give a presentation about Australia at an all-girls Japanese High School.

My presentation has to go for about 20-25 minutes.

All i have with me in Japan is a tub of Vegemite and a tea towel depicting the Australian Flag...

I do not speak very much Japanese so, beyond my introduction of myself (name etc) i will be speaking in English... So that means they wont be able to understand what i am saying, so i need a way of making this presentation of my Australian culture fun and interesting, so i dont bore them out of their minds...

I'm looking for any ideas from any good-spirited Aussies who may be able to help, as well as Japanese natives who could give me an idea of what they think these Japanese girls at their High School would enjoy.

Any help is greatly appreciated,






  1. Can you track down a boomerang? That went down well in a similar primary school presentation I did in Europe many years ago - it's lots of fun.

    Satellite pictures eg Google Earth of where you are from may be of interest too, and photos of your home and family life to pass around.

    Perhaps wear board shorts and thongs if you won't freeze.

  2. How about an Audio visual presentation downloading some images and sound bites to illustrate your presentation, start with some Aboriginal dances go through the early British heritage with a folk song and a Streeton or Roberts painting,early 20th century maybe the famous image of Bradman batting or opening the Sydney harbour bridge, 60-70s pop and the opera house, then some current music, film and sport

  3. Don't forget our koalas and kangaroos they may enjoy some pictures see this site for info

  4. Aboriginal culture can be very facinating, especially for people who don't know a lot about Australia, as the Japanese schoolgirl's probably wouldn't. So things like a didgeridoo or a boomerang would work very well.

    And maybe show them pictures of famous landmarks while giving a bit of info about them, like Uluru or the Sydney Opera House.

    Try teaching them some Aussie terms, can't think of any right now, but I'm sure you'll be able to think of a few.

    Good luck!

  5. start by just sitting there with your legs up kicking backing and relaxing

    and then go through the whole gday mate, vegemite, sports - footy and cricket, cooking a snag on a barbie

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