
How can i a 12 year old save money to buy a rat?

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How can i a 12 year old save money to buy a rat?




  1. im babysitting for some friends and REFUSING to let myself buy candy ; ) odd jobs stuff like that.

  2. work for cape cod time i got about $90 every sunday

  3. only get one rat then you will be its bestfriend and you could dog walk

    pet sit

    dog wash


    car wash

    rats dont need much too keep them happy all you need is a cage a second hand would be best if your on a budget and it doesnt need to be big as long as you rat comes out of its cage for at least an hour a day.

    save your news paper  so u can line the floor of the cage with it and tear it up so the rat can snuggle up and sleep in it.

    also its a good idea to make a mini hamock for yor rat you can use a piece of material and double it over a little bit at each end to make a tunnell for you to thread some string or wire to to attach to the top of the cage.

    and a house or a small box with a hole in it for your rat to sleep in.

    you will need to buy a little drink bottle thing

    and pellets or grain for it to eat

    also only give it a little bit of grain and just give it something evry nite like a straw berry and a piece of apple and a bit of bread  will last it all nite also this mite help with wat else it would eat

    soz this is so long but you can get give away rats in the paper but they usaly only cost between 2-12 dollars.

    good luck

  4. Chores

  5. Well, if you leave in New York City you won't have to save anything to buy a rat because you can get it for free with the kind of rat manifestation  that there is.  But if you saying rat referring to a hamster, I just bought a Bear Hamster at a pet shop and it only coasted me $5 dollars.  Any other pet shop will probably charge you between $8 to $15 depending what kind of hamster you want to buy.  Remember to buy the cage, house, spinner, food, cushing, food tray, and water bottle.  There are cages that already brings the house and spin; it coasted me $29.99.  The cushing coasted me about $3.50, the food tray coasted me $3, and the bottle water with the hanger about $7. The food I bough to the pound which it coasted me only $1.50  So I spent about $54.50 + tax,, totaling more than $57.00.  Now, if you want to feed a snake that you have, try what I told you about getting them on the street or if you want to be sure the rat is not sick, you can find a really great cheap deal by the dozen in a pet shop.  I hope I was of your help.  Take care of your new pet.

  6. are your parents okay with you getting rats(or pets)? If not, I swear to god it'll be the kiss of death to get them( me)

    If so, FIRST get the supplies and find a vet. Your rat can't live in a paper bag, after all, and if it swallows something bad and you don't know who to call, it's not the best time to google it. Also, get TWO rats PLEASE. When kept with company they actually are friendlier to YOU, and much happier. It doesn't cost much more money anyway.

       I suggest you find said rat through, where it is very easy to get them cheap, though rats themselves aren't expensive( its the cage and such like that can add up).

       To make money I suggest selling cupcakes(I did it and raised money at twelve) or selling crafts. You can try making beauty products and selling them for a bit more than the ingredients cost. Since you love animals, how about pet sitting/pet bathing/dog washing or something?  :)

  7. ask people if you can mow there lawn, rake there yard, clean up there garden beds, bathe or walk there dog,  paint there fence.. etc?  you can collect soda cans? most people just toss them out. so its easy to do, you could goto local businesses and ask if you can put a bucket or trash can in there break room for people to toss there cans in. Make sure you write CANS ONLY on it really big or make a sign to hang above it, so they don't fill it with trash, I'm sure somewhere in your area will pay you for cans, i think we get $ .40 a pound here, which is change really, but they add up pretty quick, so you can collect cans while your out doing other thing too.

    Rats don't really cost very much at all. its the cage and food you need to be worried about. the cage is a one time expense, but the food will have to be bought all the time, so make sure whatever you find to make money, make sure its going to be a steady thing. Earning money to buy your own pet shows great responsibility on your part. but don't undo all that good work by slacking off after you get it and making your parents buy its food.  make sure you do lots of research on proper care and take great care of it so your parents can see that they can trust you with other things as well.

  8. s***w savin money! Just go to a trashy house and catch one!

  9. and it's **** scooper

  10. Do jobs.

    NOT for your parents, because then they're just paying for it.

    But you will need to ask them for help because you'll need more than one rat, and a good sized cage on top of that.

    But you could wash cars, walk dogs, maybe babysit for family friends...

  11. Nice. You like rats? I do! Im 11. I have recently bought 2 hamsters and I saved money by asking my dad for a dollar. He gave me 100!!! By accident! I refused to give it back!!! Way better than my orginal plan to ask my dad for a dollar over a month period of time. A dollar a day makes about 30 at the end of the month.

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