
How can i accept the way i look?

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i am 21 years old and always have a problem with the way i look, i am overweight & always dieting & always daydream about having plastic surgery ( my nose, my lips, my body, my skin) if i have it my way i want to do everything but it seems that i am the only one that sees these flaws because every time i say i want to do these thing my friends and family say that i am crazy for saying so because they think that not only there is nothing wrong with me but i am actually pretty but i cant seem to see that, the only thing that they agree with me on is that i am overweight .

i really really really wish i can accept my self but i feel that i cant i always daydream about being a prettier person and i get really depressed about it i also have zero confidence and really law self esteem. things would be much easier if i loved the way i look.

how can i see what other people see about me ?how can i just be at peace with the way i look?how can i just stop thinking about it? i am so tired of it but i cant seem to be OK with who i am.....




  1. Google a short piece called Desiderata. It deals with all the issues you have raised. Then focus on strengths rather than any weaknesses you think you can perceive. Best wishes for a happier you. Regards UK

  2. You were beautifully and wonderfully made, You were made by the creator  who chose you in your mother's womb.

    You don't have to conform to this world. You are who you are.

    Being healthy is important though, the Bible says Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So you shouldn't loose weight to look skinny, because you could be skinny but unhealthy. Your motivation should be to be healthy.

    Self esteem is important, so instead of concentrating on your faults, write down what you are good at. Find out things that you want to improve on, and improve. You need be positive and set high goals.

  3. try to get a healthy diet and do all medical investigations to see what causes you to be overweight. it's not healthy to be overweight, and solving this can solve most of your issues of self-esteem.

  4. Stop reading magazines, stop using the Internet, stop listening to the radio, stop watching tv, stop listening to trends and fads.

    Accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can and having the wisdom to know the difference.

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