
How can i achieve a swimmers body by the end of summer? Im pretty heavy and im a boy if this helps? 250lbs5"11

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well i've been on swim teams before but i was always the fat kid. i wanna get strong arms, i want me legs to be muscular but slender, and i want abs that would make girls im fat and im not afraid to admit it...but im really ashamed of it. if anyone has a few links or ideas to help me its would be appreciated greatly.




  1. Eat less.

    Swim lots.

    Lift weights.

    Do crunches.

  2. you probally won't be able to loss that much weight in 3 months. I have a friend who swims with me and he's been fat for a while. But everyone is different so just swim hard. Sorry

  3. get a regimine going. Swim all summer! The best way to get a swimmer's body is to swim! Cut your food portions down, and start to crave the endorphins from swimming. It'll probably actually take a couple of years to get to where you want, but you'll definetly see a change in your body if you work this summer. Get to it!

  4. what you need to make sure of is that you are doing an aerobic workout and an anaerobic one.  The aerobic is your cardio, fat burning you need this for 60 minutes at least EVERYDAY.  Fast intervals short rest.  For the anaerobic put in some serious yardage.  Lots of 200 sets, builds, ladders ect.  Kick sets. If you are putting in 5000-10000 yards a day 5-6 days a week and eating sensibly you can get yourself showing abs and under 200 lbs by end of summer.  Make sure you do long warm-ups and warm-downs.   And if you start crosstraining by running and get that up to 5 miles a day the weight will be falling off even if you start by walking 2 miles right now would be great.  For the arms start now with pushups, and dumbells, use the dumbells for squats to for the legs.  Jump on a bike, bikers always have fabulous muscular legs.  Good Luck you can do it I have done it a few times and older than you so it is possible to change your life in 12 weeks.

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