
How can i add my site in

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How can i add my site in




  1. I say good luck. Keep submitting your website every three months because there are not too many editors left to look at your submission.

    Also make sure that your website is worthy of being included in DMOZ, they choose the top websites in each category to represent DMOZ. That is why it is so hard to get a DMOZ directory listing. Do the other SEO stuff and when your website gets some PageRank and traffic it will be easier to get into DMOZ.

  2. Please choose your suitable category for your product or website. clicke on "submit website" button.  and submit your website.

    Please read submission guideline carefully. Otherwise creates problme for approval.

  3. Please always opt for the appropriate Main category and Sub-category. Once you are done with choosing the relevant category, click on the Add Url/Submit Link button. Then fill all the necessary fields and click on the submit. Thats when you are done with the submission.

    Also, please note that the website will not be listed in the dmoz until and unless it recognizes your website as authentic.

    If you need any further inforamtion, you can always write back to me and I shall be glad to address the same.


  4. You may want to pass on submitting your URL to since the major search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN have their own direct freebie "sumit URL" options which are a lot faster in indexing your website than

    Good luck!

  5. Hello,

    Dmoz listing is very important to ever website, and it's very simple to adding.

    Submiting Process:

    1.Go to

    2. Select a category & sub category (related to your website)

    3. After click on "suggest URL"

    4. Give the all details like : url,title, des, email address, image code ect.....

    5. Then click "submit"

    -Once we submit site in dmoz directory ,after there approval (dmoz admin team) your site will be displaced in dmoz directory.

    with regards,



  7. Determine whether a site is appropriate for submission to the ODP:

    Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.

    Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory.  Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory.  Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.

    Do not disguise your submission and submit the same URL more than once.

    Example: and

    Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.

    The Open Directory has a policy against the inclusion of sites with illegal content. Examples of illegal material include child pornography; libel; material that infringes any intellectual property right; and material that specifically advocates, solicits or abets illegal activity (such as fraud or violence).

    Do not submit sites "under construction." Wait until a site is complete before submitting it. Sites that are incomplete, contain "Under Construction" notices, or contain broken graphics or links aren't good candidates for the directory.

    Submit pornographic sites to the appropriate category under Adult.

    Submit non-English sites to the appropriate category under World.

    Don't submit sites consisting largely of affiliate links.

    Step Two

    Do a quick search in the directory at (the home of the Open Directory) to be sure your site isn't already listed. This saves everyone time.

    Step Three

    Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.

    Note: Some categories do not have "suggest URL" or "update URL" links. These categories don't accept submissions, so you should find a more specific category for your site.

    Step Four

    Once you've selected the best category for your site, go directly to that category on and then click "suggest URL." Follow the instructions on the submission form carefully.  Descriptions of sites should describe the content of the site concisely and accurately.  They should not be promotional in nature. Submitting a promotional description rather than an objective, well written description may significantly delay your site from being listed or prevent your site from being listed at all. Auto-submission software is (and always has been) a violation of this procedure. Sites submitted automatically are flagged and deleted after the submission is accepted, without notification to you. Persistent automatic submission may force us to ban you from the dmoz site, so we can provide resources to real human beings.

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