
How can i add yahoo fantasy sports to my toollbar?

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How can i add yahoo fantasy sports to my toollbar?




  1. It automatically just appears there after you visited it for a while.

  2. The little pencil looking thing next to the red Y! gives you tool bar options. Use the personal options on the drop down.

    You can add, delete or rearrange to your heart's content. lol.

    Good luck.

  3. I have the latest version of the Yahoo! Toolbar V: - if you have an earlier version, try my instructions anyway - it may not be that different.  First, go to your Yahoo! Fantasy Sports page and copy the web address (URL) for this web site (highlight the web address by clicking on it, then right-click your mouse and click on copy).  Then on the far left side of your Yahoo! Toolbar, click on the person icon with the green background (which will turn green whenever you sign in, or if you have an earlier version the icon will be a pencil - this is the Edit button for your toolbar) and then click on the "Add/Edit Buttons..." in the drop-down menu.  In the "Find buttons to add" section, click on the "Make a Button" tab.  Enter the Web Address (URL) that you have already copied (right-click your mouse and click paste) for the particular Yahoo! Fantasy Sports button that you want on you toolbar.  For instance, say your Yahoo! Sports Fantasy is for Baseball - this is the web address that I copied for the Yahoo Fantasy Baseball web site:


    In The "Title" box choose a name and type it in - i.e. Baseball (the name shouldn't be too long).  Next is the "Icon Graphic" box.  If you wait a few seconds after putting in the url and choosing a name, the icon from your website may appear.  If not, choose an icon from the Icon Gallery (not much of a selection) by clicking on an icon and then click on "Save"

    On the right-hand side of the screen there is the "Your Toolbar Buttons".  The new button you have created should be there - actually it should appear at the very top of the buttons.  You can change the order of your toolbar buttons here. (Depending on how many buttons you have on your toolbar, some will not show on the toolbar but will be in the drop-down menu at the end of the toolbar - just click on the "double arrows" at the very end of the toolbar to see them.)  

    When you have your toolbar buttons in the order you want them, you then click on "Save Changes".  A bubble will appear telling you that your toolbar has been updated - click on "Finish".  The new button should show up right away.  If it doesn't, just click on your "refresh page" button.  You can create and add as many fantasy sports buttons as you want to your toolbar.

    I hope this works for you. Good Luck!

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