
How can i advertise my babysitting services????

by  |  earlier

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i'm 13 and am looking for a summer job.

anybody have any creative ideas for how i can get costumers and advertise???

also, do you have any tips for babysitting?

and, if your a mom, would you hire me?:

i'm 13. have maintained a 4.0 GPA. went to a safe sitter class. charge $3.00 an hour for the first kid, $1.00 an hour for each additional kid...

from what that says, if you saw that on an advertisement, would you hire me??





  1. i am a babysitter to first i would raise your rates you might want to make it $4 an hour per child the older the get the more you would make. now i am 15 and usually get about 5 per child per hour sometimes more you might want to put some flyers that are approved by your parents in houses near you or on your street that you know have children Also parents will want to use you more if you are Cpr certified. Unfortunately at your age you dont get as many babysitting jobs because parents dont want to leave there  little children with a 13 year old but you might get some older kids like from 5-10 years old! Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

  2. Advertise your services on free classifieds, relevant forums and social networking websites. Monitor the response you get periodically to find out what works best. From

  3. $3.00 an hour??? WOW, thats way cheap! I think you should up your price just a little. But to be honest, i wouldnt hired anyone as young as you are if i didnt know you personally. I think the best bet for you would be advertising by word of mouth. Tell all your relatives to let their friends know about your summer services!!

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