
How can i advertise my youtube account?

by  |  earlier

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Im a singer/actress and i want to advertise it lol

i have a Stickam page and an iwasCAST account... lol i want to get noticed? at least a little lol

heres my site =]

feel free to leave comments! =]




  1. If you're talented, and your content is actually good, people will notice and spread the word.

    If you *advertise* or self-promote yourself... that will turn a great number of people off, including me. I don't care how great you are, if you spam your videos/songs, you immediately lose my interest.

    You want to get noticed? Then be noticeable. If you're just some talentless hopeful (the "I want to be on broadway" kinda gave it away), then you're just going to irritate people.

    I checked your videos, and I have to say... they are about as dull and uninteresting as I expected. Your voice is high and shrilly, and there really isn't much visual stimulus either. I don't want to see you half-singing in the car. I don't want to see your rehearse a musical number from across the room. It's quite unpleasant.

    Your current offerings, frankly, suck. It's stuff like that that keeps your view counts low. Put some effort into it, and create something with entertainment value. You're very broadway-centric, the masses aren't. Create something that will appeal to the masses, and the masses will pay attention.

    Simply plastering your YouTube account will not get people to notice. Do those "CONGRATULATIONS 10000000TH VISITOR" banners ever hook you? No. There annoying aren't they? You bet. You're essentially wanting to do the same thing with your YouTube videos. People are so numb to spam and links, that they unconsciously ignore the "click here's" that litter the Internet.

    I said it before, and I'll say it again. You wanna get noticed? BE GOOD. It's almost painful watching. Broadway musicians are not really known for their "singing abilities", save for the broadway enthusiast circles. Sorry, but it's true. An actor who belts out a musical number doesn't automatically qualify them to be a singer... It's a whole other discipline in itself.

    Your arrogance is killing you here. You want to get noticed? Why? What will that bring you? Pride? Respect? Do you really think you are good? What makes you say so?

    Your arrogance is evident by the "singer for 11 years, actress for 2". Just because you act, doesn't make you an actor. Just because you sing, doesn't make you a singer. Case in point: Soulja Boy is considered a singer, and so is Aretha Franklin. Not the same thing. I am sure you can see why. You cannot flip a switch one day and say "Wham! I'm a singer now!" It's evident that you have, and it's evident that it's been 11 years since then. Likewise for acting.

    You honestly think you're good. You think you deserve exposure. You want to see people agreeing with you, thinking you're good. Since your talent doesn't speak for itself, you feel you need to shove it in people's faces a la spam and "advertisements" to gain the exposure you feel you deserve.


    You're not good. I'm sorry, but you're not. You can certainly do a lot better than I can, but it's still not good.

    I respect your ambitions, and I certainly hope you get to do what you love professionally. However, I think you're being a little egotistical. You aren't as good as you think you are. Certainly not to the point where you deserve to get "noticed".

    Advertising should be used if you have something tangible to advertise, like an album or an event. If you feel you have to advertise *yourself* or your talent, you're going about it all wrong. Your talent must support you exclusively. Nothing will be able to compensate for lack of talent. Talent translates to entertainment. No talent? No entertainment. What's your value as an actress/singer if there's no entertainment?

    Bottom line; don't worry about your exposure. Just keep practicing, and let the results take you where you wanna go.

    Sorry for being so blunt, but I don't like to sugarcoat my opinions. If you want to be public, but can't take negative feedback, you're in the wrong industry.

    For everyone else: If you read through this whole strung-out answer, you win one free Internet! Good job.

  2. yeah use myspace its the best way i know a really good way where you can have the click of a button and and it will go to your youtube page it really works if you want me to show you how then go ahead ill be glad to help you.

  3. use myspace is one of the most visited sites in the world

  4. well i make a blog, myspace etc.

    my channel

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