
How can i advertise that i want to mow lawns around the neighborhood?

by  |  earlier

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How much should i charge?




  1. Hey Ryan,

    SP's got the right idea.  In your case you'll geta better response advertising your service "in persn".  Go one better than clipart and use Google images where you can find realistic looking "lawn mowing" photos.  I typed in "mowing lawns" and got tons of great images.  Just be sure the ones you use aren't copyrighted :-)  See below.

    If you really want to get people to call you for lawn care use a compelling "call to action": problem/solution formula.

    Something like "Want to turn this (picture of an over grown/badly kept lawn, person with an aching back from pushing a mower etc...) to this (picture of a well kept lawn with all the yard scraps being hauled away).  

    Follow it with a "contact Ryan's Rapid Lawn Care" (or something catchy like that :-).  Don't put how much you charge on the flyer.  They'll be happy to pay you a fair price.

    And it wouldn't hurt to do free postings on Craigslist and Backpage either (you could even put that on your flyer too).

    Good luck!

    PS  I own a business teaching music and am also in a Home Business.  Please, please do NOT consider Dale T's suggestion.  Home Bizops are never as "easy" as folks like that lead you to believe.

  2., flyers and networking on myspace might help (although myspace doesn't seem to be used for networking these days)

    You can also create a free profile on

    Good luck!

  3. Walk the neighborhood and hand out flyers. Perhaps leaving a few wouldnt hurt. But here is a word of advice. If this is going to be your main source of income the government will want their share. That means taxes on the equipment you own and trucks/trailers etc. etc. computers used to track your business.

    If this is a little neighborhood thing than its better to keep it to select people, ie your customers and not advertize where government employees would see them - believe it or not they do look for ways to get your money. I put a business card in a local convenience store and the local tax man called from city hall to see what he could charge me taxes on.

    But all money earned would be taxable of course.

  4. Make up some flyers advertising your lawn mowing, you can get clip art on microsoft office of lawn mowers, etc and print them out and put them in the neighbors front doors....Leave a contact # and name so they can call you too. Good Luck!

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