
How can i airbrush my pictures on photoshop cs2?

by  |  earlier

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I cant find the icon?

I just want to make them look softer/ coz ther portraits

Im sure you can airbrush pics on cs2?

Help lol






  1. Hi, airbrushing is a bit more complex then using an icon. I think your looking for the blur tool, which will give you a basic effect. The blur tool looks a bit like a drop of rain. If you want to more professional-looking airbrushing, take a look at some tutorials. Here are a few I've got, try a them out, and see which one you like best. --

    Good Luck :)

  2. Kodak makes a plug-in for Photoshop CS II called GEM. It does what you want to do

  3. i would play around with some filters. Maybe some different blurs. Adjust the controls to make a minimal effect that is not so noticeable.  

  4. Hi

    Here are a load of free Photoshop tutorials explaining the basic tools and showing the tool icons:

    Generally if you hover your cursor over one of the icons its name will appear.  Also if you see an tool with a little triangle in the corner it means there is a hidden sub menu containing other / associated tools.

  5. Gaussian blur is what youre looking for. Its in one of the options at the top. Dont be too heavy with it. Itll look unnatural.

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