
How can i- as a kid- cut down on my carbon footprint?

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i want to do my part even if i can't drive... ( :




  1. There is a new show out on Discovery Channel called "The Human Footprint" that shows you great tips to lower your nature footprint. Look up the times on Google and see when it comes on.

  2. Take shorter showers.  Turn the light off when you leave a room.    Encourage your parents to recycle.  I think those are the easiest ways in my opinion.

  3. You might not be able to drive yet, but you can cut down on the amount that your parents have to drive you around by walking, taking the bus, riding a bike.

    You can recycle, but it's more important to reduce the amount of waste you produce in the first place.  Recycling is great, but it takes a lot of energy and still produces some toxic by-products.  If you can reduce the amount of waste you produce (by buying fewer packaged items and reusing old bottles, grocery bags, etc) you can cut down on both the trash and recyclables that you produce, saving even more energy overall.  Basically what I'm saying is that recycling is better than throwing something out, but reducing and reusing is even better than recycling.

    You can also make sure to turn off lights in your house when you're not in a room.  You can get your parents to buy energy efficient light bulbs (if you replace most of the lights in your house with them, there will be a noticeable decrease in the electric bill).  You can make sure to keep the door closed when the AC or heater is on.  If you have a PC, you can use the hibernate mode at night (computers draw a lot of power *and* crank out a lot of heat as long as they're turned on).

    You can definitely decrease your carbon footprint, regardless of your age.  Basically anything that decreases energy consumption, food waste, and trash will help you decrease your carbon footprint.  If everyone adjusted their lifestyle just a little bit, the impact would be huge.

  4. try not to use so much paper.

    don't bathe every single day

    [im a kid too.. im trying to do the same as you]

    i took a quiz and it said im a footprint nightmare..

    but i bathe everyday cause I play sports and I'm

    always sweating.

  5. Not being able to drive yet is a good start. Recycle, have your family get involved. Ride your bike or walk to places if they aren't to far from your house. Be safe though! Get your neighborhood involved too. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Every little bit helps!

    Good Luck!

  6. well,influence those who can drive to drive less. on a special on Earth yesterday,I think that they said that carbon gases are good because they keep the earth at a normal temperature for us.when a volcano erupts,it lets out carbon gases trapped inside the earth which I think helps the earth in a way.

  7. Turn off your telly instead of leaving it on standby.

    Walk to and from school / other local places

    If you have to go somewhere by car, car share!

    Turn off your lights when out of the room.

    Close your curtains when it's cold and it'll help keep the heat in.

    Sneakingly turn down the thermostat by one or two degree - likewise for the washing machine.

    Wear warm clothes instead of turning the heating on.

    Take showers instead of baths, and lukewarm instead of hot

    Recycle more / use less paper

    If going to another country consider going by train instead of plane, it's so much more energy efficient.

    Though they may be completely rubbish but buy energy efficient light bulbs.

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