
How can i ask my mum to go on birth control without thinking its for s*x..?

by  |  earlier

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its honestly for health reasons,bad cramping, feeling sick sometimes throwing up, heavy periods and bad PMS.




  1. the nearby doctor can do it . so ,consult him or her and you will get your result.

  2. Tell her exactly what you posted here. Being on a birth control pill can help with all that.  

  3. leave up a website about birth control, and make sure she see it, like do it before she goes to check her email

  4. Tell her just that, then.

    Also, talk to your doctor, because there are other things that can help, and you may have something wrong with you

  5. Well just tell her that, she'll understand she knows you can use birth control for periods lots of girls in my class use it to control their periods because their irregular x  

  6. Good luck, kiddo.

    Of course she will think it's for s*x.

    The good news is that there are  a multitude of over the counter remedies for bad PMS now. Try those before dumping huge amounts of synthetic hormones into your still developing body.

    And, hundreds of generations of women have gotten thru the discomfort of bad periods before aspirin was invented. At least you have Midol, etc.

  7. all the reasons you told us are GREAT reasons. just go up to her and say,

    Mum, i have really bad PMS (etc.), do you think maybe birth control would help?

    hopefully that'll do it.

  8. Tell her about the health reasons and you heard the pill could really help. Depending on your age you could most likely go to the doctor yourself and get it without your mum even knowing.

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