
How can i ask my parents?

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i want to start to do gymnastics. im 13. jst turned in june. How should i bring up the subject to my mom or dad that i want to do gymnastics. i havent done it since like 1st grade. how can i ask my parents if i can do it?




  1. just go up to them and let them know you are interested in starting up again.  i don't see why it would be a problem...i mean its somthing you want to do, its not overly expensive, its active, and its a fairly commen sport.  good luck

  2. just sit down with them and tell them that you would like to try out for gymnastic's, if it's offered at your school, they may go for it. but also give them reasons why you'll stick with it and not simply try it and give up right away. tell that in order to keep in the class, you'll keep your other grades up.

  3. I had this same exact problem! I took gymnastics when I was younger. Then I stopped for some reason and starting doing soccer. I've recently quit soccer, but I'm interested in doing something else instead, and I was thinking about gymnastics. The fact that I just quit soccer made it harder to ask, but basically, all you have to say is, "Hey Mom, I was just wondering if I could maybe start up doing gymnastics again. I think it would be a lot of fun, and it would be a great way for me to stay in shape. Plus, it's not even that expensive."

    Just remember to do your research first. Try to find a good gymnastics class that you'd like to be in, and maybe even offer to your parents to pay half of the price of the lessons.

    Good luck!

  4. just say "hey mom i was wondering if i could start gymnastics again. maybe just one or two times a week." if you think they will say no look into local gyms prices and times and tell your parents them. Your parents will know that you really want to do this if you researched prices and times.

    good luck!



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