
How can i avoid a stitch when running?

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I'm doing the great north run, but when i run i often get a stitch. i dont eat an hr before going out and only take small sips of water, yet i still get one. I can sometimes control it with my breathing,but even then its still there. any suggestions?




  1. Make sure you have a little warm up session before you start running.

    Pace yourself and carry on drinikng the water.

  2. the stitch is an acid build up in your muscles, the way to get rid of it is to introduce a base to your system, vinegar is a good example. taking a shot of vinegar before running will help, but might not sit on your stomach so well. you can always drink pickle juice out of the pickle jar. it has enough vinegar in it that it should get rid of the stitch. you can also try drinking it before running but is just as easy to drink it afterward.

  3. breathe in and out your nose and have them even and deep and be in rhythm with your body thats how i avoid a stitch on wii fit running for 10 mins constantly so gud luck!!

  4. Don't listen to the first person who posted that you shouldn't drink... That's absolute rubbish...  You'll end up dehydrated with a stich.

    The fitter you are the less likely it is that you'll get a stich.  It's partly to do with lack of core strength nd build up of lactic.  Lactic builds faster when you run at a heart rate which is above your lactic threshhold.  You are probably trying to run too fast for your current level of fitness.  Slow it down.  As you get fitter, you'll be able to run faster with a steadier heart rate, you won't build the lactic and not get stich.

  5. stitch is usually on the right side it is because your organs are joined to your diaphram on this side so if your core muscles are not that strong it all gets bounced about to much. deep breathing and blow out like blowing out a candle, bend slightly or press on the affected area. Dehydration can make it worse so take regular sips of water while running and drink plenty through the day.

  6. There are times when I suffer the same thing and what I would usually do is slow down a bit and then breathe deeply.

  7. i have the exact same problem as you... there is no know cure for the stitch

    its caused by a spasim of under used stomach muscles. generally caused by over eatting or over drinking to close to excercise. there are many possible ways to avoid a stitch

    1. pressing hard onto the affected while bendin over.

    2. stopping and walking

    3. doing a tumble

    4. stretching the affected area

    i wud suggest doing some situps regularly to strenghten the muslces in ur stomach to reduce spasims

    hope dis helped

  8. Don't drink water at all, that's all i can think of! I mean before a run not in  no wonder i got a thumbs down

  9. Partly is is to do with conditioning your body to run - the more you run, the less likely you are going to get a stitch, and paretly it is knowing what causes a stitch and avoid that.

    Drink water before you run is a good general tip (if you drink too much you get indigestion not a stitch - and your body will get rid of the water in its own way....), when you get one walk untill it goes.

    Run a little easier for a while and then start working harder again slowly building it up again - with any luck the extra few easy runs will condition your body a bit better

    Hope that helps a little

  10. Check this out, lactic acid is the cause of stitch...


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