
How can i be AMBASSADOR?

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How can i be AMBASSADOR?




  1. you  need  lots  of  money  +  lots  of  friends  +  lots  of  respect --  that's  all ,=====  is  just  that  easy .

  2. As an alternative, become a huge political donor to the winning party and seek a political appointment.

  3. First get into the Foreign Service. Extremely difficult to even get into the door. Then you work your way up

  4. get into foreign service jobs, be experienced and then maybe if you can get lucky enough or get some patronage on the higher ups you can expedite your appointment to be an the problem is being approved by the commision on appt. by the legislative body of the gov't. which i would say is the senate.

  5. depends on for which country, to which country. This is a very hard position to get. And i believe it has to be approved by certain parts of the government and/or the president. Prior experience is obviously a must. You'll need a career in law, military, government. You get my drift.

  6. I know, right?  That would be one swank job.  I would love to be an AMBASSADOR, preferably to somewhere cool like Australia, but Id even take some third world shithole, as long as i got to live like an AMBASSADOR-KING.

  7. Ambassadors are all POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS.. and they are ALL VERY WEALTHY because most of them have to BUY their own residence in the foreign country where they are being assigned as Ambassador.

    If you want to become an Ambassador, you will need at least 100 Million in the bank just for openers and be a big contributor to whoever is president at the time.

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