
How can i be a better cheerleader?

by  |  earlier

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im a cheerleader, of course, but i was wondering how i can be better at it.




  1. You should try throwing up, lol.

  2. Well, that is kind of tough to answer because I have no idea what your current status is.  I would say just to make sure you are at a healthy weight so you can be thrown or tossed.  You might also want to work on upper body strength so that you can lift girls into the air.  Another thing would be to stretch every day so that you can become flexible.  Other than that, just practice, practice, practice!  If you learn a new routine, go over it 1 to 3 times a day.  Memorize you cheers and go running every day.  Good luck and I hope this helps.

  3. first off cheerleading IS a sport!!

    and to be better practice your motions and jumps in a mirror or even better a dance studio so you can see every angle and what you need to fix!

    also try this trick,.

    put your hand on the ground and then put your feet up againt a wall it sounds stupid but its like your in a handstand and it helps your motions look much tighter!!

  4. well... idk! i think cheering is a stupid " sport".  QUIT:)

  5. There are some really simple things you can do.1

    1. Stand in front of a mirror and practice your arms. Do the typical high and low vs and then ts but also any others like ks that you do in cheers. You will be able to master the exact spots they go. Also practice cheers in front of the mirror so that you can see what you are doing wrong.

    2. When you are cheering, always have fun. Don't focas on perfections, focas on having a ton of fun!! When your crowd sees you being perfect, they will think that they can't do that. If they see you have a ton of fun and maybe make a few mistakes, they will see that you are a human too and want to join you.

    3. Help your squad come up with a really simple silly dance. Then, without telling the crowd that you are teaching them a dance, teach it to them. Then whenever the crowd hears that music, they will get up and do this silly little dance. It is so much fun, and gets the crowd involved. Also make up a really simple silly cheer and teach it to them. Keep in mind they have no idea what a high v is so keep it really simple. Nothing really technical. We are making one up and we do those arm wave things. Make the words really simple.

    4. Remember, you are a cheerleader outside of games too. Talk to everyone. Tell them that you really appreciated them cheering with you last night or whatever. Maybe even do a fundraiser for something. Just get involved and be a part of your school.

    Hope I helped!!

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