
How can i be a better housewife?

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I had a baby recently and he is at the age where i can actually do more around the house. I stay at home all day while my hubby is working and i want to be a better housewife for him. I do keep up with the dishes, clean tables, nothing on the floor, make my bed, but i have trouble getting into routines, like taking out the trash, mopping, vaccuming, laundry...whats your routine? how can i make my husband feel great EVERY day? things are always better when the house is sparkling and diner is on the table!




  1. Wow, I am in a similar situation and I have been fighting for a routine for the past 7 months.  What I do have now is a whiteboard with the days of the week listed on it and certain rooms for each day.  That way I am not getting into overkill with mopping everything one day and dusting the next...although you may prefer that.  I basically just one room at a time and that way it can get a DEEP cleaning...i.e. wash windows, dust EVERY surface.  Then in addition, I do laundry, wash dishes, and cook everyday.  I am glad to hear there are more women out there who want to please their does make everything better!

  2. there is a big difference in being a good wife and being a slave to your husband and thats what it sounds like to me

  3. I'm a full-time student, but also a housewife. I've found that its more convenient for me to make a schedule of household chores for the week. I know this sounds corny, but it will help you not to forget what has to be done day to day. As for making your man feel special:I try to make his favorite for dinner sometimes, or I usually do a little research on some of the things that he's interested in like cars or outdoor sports. Men really like it when their woman is interested in things like that. Oh yeah dressing up and being a little kinky couldn't hurt.

  4. Honey, I think you already are a Great homemaker(I hate the title of makes it sound like we are married to our house!!!!), and it really is a career, even tho most folks don't think of it that way. Just because we don't earn a salary, the benefits make up for it...we get to please our men, and they in turn please us! Staying home with our children is a plus--we get to witness all there new "firsts", we don't have to pay for daycare, and we can begin the teaching process in their daily lives.

    I was lucky enough to be a SAHmom until my youngest went to kindergarten, then I went to work parttime for the local school system. We never regretted my being at home with our 3 kids. My DH, too, had a full time and a parttime job. Now, my 2 daughters are SAHMs, too.

    The one thing you don't ever want to do, tho, is give up your freedom. At least one night a week, hubby should be able to babysit while you go out to dinner or a movie with galpals. Or join a bookclub or take a craft class, or something just for you.  Get a reliable sitter and you and DH go out once a week, just the 2 of you or with a couple of friends. You both need to do that, too. It's good for your marriage.

  5. First of all, let me commend you for your attitude. How great that you want to make your husband happy. This will pay off in so many ways for you, and your son will get to grow up in a 2 parent home where the parents love and take care of each other. I agree with you, things ARE always better when the house is clean, and dinner is ready! And you have a smile on your face and are really glad to see your husband.

    I follow the Flylady system. It's flexible and family-friendly. I have simple morning and evening routines, and chores are broken up into 15 minute chunks with my kitchen timer. She has helped me come up with a daily and weekly plan. Here's a link:

    Don't get overwhelmed at the site or with Flylady, you don't have to do everything at once. Start slow and work things into your day. If you try to do too much, you'll burn out. I can tell you, the more I follow her system, the better it works. She can get chatty, I just skip over that part and take what works and leave the rest. Hope this helps. Good luck to you, but it sounds like you are making your own luck!

  6. wow just be ur husbands slave.

  7. get into a routine.when the babay goes down for a nap that's when you get things done.i always started getting stuff out for dinner and pre made at lunch i would peel my potatoes.marinate my meat the night before little things like that would make life easier.

  8. As to all the slave comments - how rude! Everybody should take pride in their job whether it's in the home or outside of the home! We have 8 kids (6 are special needs adoptions) and I work two part-time jobs so I can tell you what works for me, maybe some of it will work for you. Routines are hard when you have a little one so although writing one out is a great idea, remember to be flexible so your baby's needs are always your priority.  Take a little time to think about which chores make the biggest impact on your home and your mood.  If you absolutely HATE a dirty floor but don't mind when laundry accumulates than make vacuuming/mopping each morning while junior naps a priority.  Remember these are goals, if you don't accomplish them all, it's OK - you know they aren't going anywhere (more's the pity). Mealtime is a lot simpler if you have menus made up weekly.  We make up a menu and do as much of the prep in advance as we can. If I have a meat to marinate, I make it after grocery shopping and put it all in a freezer bag. If I'm using it soon, in the fridge it goes. If I want it later in the week I put it in the freezer and pull it out to thaw in the fridge a day or two before I plan on cooking it. Lasagnas, soups, meatballs and casseroles can be made 2 or three at a time so they can be frozen or stored in fridge. This also helps your budget for those days when you don't have time/energy to cook and would otherwise be tempted to prepare processed foods or go out to eat. Another thing that works well for me is bribing myself. If I meet most of my goals, I reward myself with extra reading time or a home pedicure or something I enjoy. After all, a happy, relaxed wife and a calm environment is the best thing for your hubby to come home to!

  9. I'm in your same boat. What I did was chart my house into five different sections. Then I deep clean one of those sections each of the five days a week. For example, Monday I thoroughly clean the kitchen and go to the grocery store. Tuesday I clean the bathrooms and the master bedroom. This part of my cleaning routine only takes about 1-2 hours max (perfect to do while the little one is napping). On Saturday (usually all day) I do all of the laundry including bedding etc. This has been criticized by a lot of my friends but it works great for our family. Once in awhile I will have to do a load or two mid-week. Sundays I do nothing but lounge and hang with my family. Other than that you just have to stay on top of things. My day of the week system is great for me because nothing really has enough time to get out of control. Before I would do this my bedroom closet looked like a bum lived in there all the time, my hubby told me he had enough and he didn't want to live like a teenager anymore :o I think it is great you are trying to enhance your home life, everyone likes a nice, clean home to live in.

  10. i have three i might can help with this one.

    i make a list...things that need to be done daily, and then there is a list for things that needs to be done monday, tuesday, etc.

    i go by this list and all it to help me.

    i also am a SAHM and i am a full time college student, therefore my brain cannot hold anymore things to remember and this really helps.

  11. I would strongly recommend purchasing a copy of 'How to be the perfect housewife' by Anthea Turner.  She has some great ideas on getting yourself into a routine that works for you.  She also has tips on time saving ideas, making up your own cleaning solutions (great for anyone with little ones or anyone with allergies).

    If you don't feel you want to go to that extreme I would sit down and write out a list of things that you think should be done in a week/month.  Then make a day planner so that all of these things are covered.  Stick to it, you'll be amazed at how much you can get done!

    Good Luck, I do agree with you ...I love my house to be clean and sparkly too!

  12. don't have a routine and you don't work...Not to sound rude or anything.

    The best thing you can do is time management. I found that when I make a shcedule of things I actually get them done,and I stay on track.  So make you a weekly schedule and stick to it.  Also check out this site. or I can't remember...But Thats a good site that helps you stay on track.

  13. Something my sister does is every once a month... or week... (after the big weekly/monthly shop... which ever you do) she'd sit down with all the vegetables (she'd buy them all in one go)... prepare them all in one evening (while watching the TV or something) and then bag them all and freeze them... that'd probably save loads of time in your day when it comes to preparing dinner. Also the vegetables are as good as fresh instead of some of that horrible pre-packaged stuff. As for the cleaning routine... I'm terrible at that too! I need routines! Luckily, I'm not a wife yet so I have time to practise lol. x

  14. First, I would do what I could around the house but don't over-


    Next, there's no shame in asking your husband for help.

    Last, you need to make a routine in which you both can help

    out with the household chores.  Maybe he can help out with

    the dishes, taking out the trash, or vacuuming while you do

    other things around the house.

  15. i think you are a wonderful homemaker.  cause you get to stay home with your child.  that alone is alot of work.  i wish i could stay home.  im a mother of 3 kids and work fulltime.  just try to do the best you can and i think your husband will be happy with that.  good luck.

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