
How can i be a bit more feminine?

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i tend to wear boys clothes, boyish hairstyles and am just a huge tomboy. i like to dress a bit funky too though but would really like to dress a bit more femme. where do i start? i dont want to look like a trucker with heels and nail polish...




  1. Wear a dress and some heals, silly.

    And for God sake put on a dab of Jungle Gardenia perfume.

    Now that is femanine!!!!!

    What a turn on.

    JG melts my heart completely.

  2. you cant help who you are, but you can try wearing figure flattering clothes, like a nice fitting pair of jeans. also, you can put barrettes in your hair, or ribbons.  

  3. Wear casual Girls clothes..Converse, jeans and funky Girl vests. or try the Kate Moss look.She dresses very relaxed but not too girly. o and plus if you not into the whole make up thing then just put on some mascara. Try it you will see it makes a small but noticeable difference

  4. Hi Amy,

    A girl after my own heart : ) I used to dress very tomboyish but over the years have slowly changed my style to a much more feminine look. Just do little bits at a time and you'll do fine.

    Start with just a tad bit of makeup, it can make all the difference without seeming like a drastic overhaul. Just an eyelash curler and mascara and a bit of a nude or neutral lipstick or even a tinted gloss can go a long way.

    Try more feminine tops in muted or dark colors that look good with your skin. That will add a nice, feminine touch without drastically altering your current appearance.

    Next, see what kind of jewelry you feel most comfortable with. Rings? Bracelettes? Necklaces? Earrings? Buy something that will go with everything if you can. You can work on more specific coordinating later if you want.

    Have fun and enjoy feeling beautiful and s**y and womanly! Hope this helps!

  5. Wear pastels(pinks,blues,purples,greens,yello...

    Skirts,dresses, and that sort of stuff will work too.

    If you don't want to wear heels just wear some cute flip flops or

    ballet flats.

    Try doing your hair in a differant way(wear head bands,hair clips)

    Wear make up but not TOO MUCH make up.

  6. You could start by getting a new haircut, or just go to the mall and take a look at the girls walking by to get some ideas of how they dress, shop around to see what colors you prefer and things like that.

  7. How to be more feminine? Stop wearing boyish clothes/hairstyles for one.

    Think you could have answered your own question to be honest >_>

  8. Cleavage - get shirts that show it. (deep v-necks)

    Don't wear mens clothes. Wear masculine looking women's clothes. You can wear a trucker outfit if you want, but one that's cut differently so that it fits a womans body better.

    Also: tighter clothes in the right places.

    Have fun, be safe. :)

    Oh: top tip - belt around the belly makes you look thinner

  9. I feel you! I am such a tom boy and don't have the body for some of the girl clothes out there. Start by adding something more feminine to each outfit. Instead of wearing a short sleeve t shirt with Jeans try wearing a polo shirt (girl colors) with a lace camasole under it (so you can see a bit of lace where the polo shirt is unbuttoned. If you don't like skirts, try capri's with a tank top. You don't have to start wearing bright red lipstick and purple nail polish (ever) right away if you don't want to. but mascara helps those lashes look girly without too much effort.  

  10. Grow your hair out if you would like, start with revamping your clothes to a more feminine style, and try wearing a little makeup.  Maybe some mascara, blush or bronzer, and go with a lip gloss.  Do what makes you comfortable.  

  11. Wear a little make up and do your hair differently can go a long way.

  12. You can start by adding a few pieces of jewelry, but, femininity is mostly in the way you carry yourself and your facial expressions.

  13. I don't want this to sound mean because I don't mean it like that but you should watch What Not to Wear. It's a great show! : D I watch it all the time and it gives me ideas on how to update my style and stuff. They have had episodes with tomboys before and they help them be true to who they are but in a more feminine way. It's cool. So you might find that helpful. : D The show is on TLC and they have new ones on Friday nights and reruns on all the time. : D I am kind of a What Not to Wear freak. It's a really fun and informative show.  

  14. Instead of wearing a t-shirt with your baggy jeans, try a camisole or tighter fitting top.  If the bottom is baggy, the top should not be so as not to appear slouchy.  And vice versa.  There are lots of girly clothes that can be paired with boy clothes and still look cute.  Start wearing contacts and put some cute clips in your hair.

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