
How can i be a good film maker?

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im 14 i i just got a $500 camcorder and i want some hints so i can make some preety good movies




  1. robert Rodriguez said it best when he said 'just go out and do it'.

    shoot as much stuff as you can. keep making them and analyze the work. be objective in your criticism and see where you can improve. work with friends and get them to tell you what they thought (specifically).

    there are plenty of tips on the web but seriously, go out and have fun making them. many of the greats started out like this.

  2. practice editing and hold your camera steady. if your filming yourself then film yourself from a downward angle (holding the camera up and pointing down)

  3. i suggest canon hg10

    its price is very affordable, it has great options, wonderful quality, original body shape,etc

  4. My suggestion.

    go get a job at a large blockbuster or movie rental place, rent all the free movies you can, (the good ones). and watch them in your spare time, this will slowly adapt you to how movies have been shot. then watch them over and over again, no one can watch a movie once and get it all in. you gotta watch it multiple times.

    then just start shooting, don't go to film school or take film classes, just go out there and start shooting. This will give you an idea of what your camera can do and can't and you can work around the limitations to create something unique.

    pick up a film book so you understand the concepts behind it, how to light, how things are edited.

    personally i would start with stop motion (claymation type stuff) you can practice everything you want and not have to worry if the actors are there or if they're doing there lines right.

    you gotta know audio, audio is 50 percent of your movie, you gotta know how to transition it and never leave any blank gaps.

    and transitioning between scenes is necessary.

    hope it helps

  5. Get a good Tripod, and Use It - The first step in improving your videos is stabilizing them. Your camcorder may have built-in image stabilization, but it can only compensate for so much motion.

    . Learn When to Pan, Zoom and Use Other Moves - One of the most common video mistakes is making constant movements and adjustments. Be deliberate when making adjustments, don't make changes without a reason. Take a shot of something and leave it there for 10-20 seconds, stop the recording and take another shot. Don't quickly pan the camera from one subject to another. When panning and zooming, use slow, smooth, and deliberate motions. This will make your videos much more watchable.

    Do a Little Shot Composition - The purpose of taping something is so you will be able to remember and enjoy it later. Before you hit the red button, look at your shot and see if you have everything in it that you want and that it is framed nicely. Do this as you would if you were taking a still picture; prior to pressing "record," not after. Good shot composition uses the "Rule of Thirds." This is where you treat the screen as being divided into a tic-tac-toe pattern  

    . Learn Your Camcorder Like the Back of Your Hand - The best videographers know every function of their camcorder and could operate it with their eyes shut. Having good knowledge of your camcorder's features and functions is a necessary element of making better videos.  More than just knowing where each control is, you should learn all the how image settings like white balance, exposure, and backlight affect the image.

    Tell a Story - If you don't have the time to formally edit your videos, use in camera editing (i.e., the fancy name for pressing record and pause at just the right times) to neatly follow some chronological path and tell a story. People will more likely feel compelled to watch your videos if they tell a story. It matters less what the story is about than how well it's told. You don't have to narrate your videos to tell a story; the pictures can do that.

    good Lighting is a must. A lot of image quality problems can be solved by employing some simple lighting techniques. You may not want to invest in or have the desire to carry an entire lighting kit with you where ever you go, but you can make the best of the natural or available lighting situations that you face. Whenever possible, shoot in a well-lit area. Make sure there is not bright light like the sun behind a subject. If your subject is standing in a bad lighting situation, have them move into better light if possible and the video will look much better.

    Interviews - A great way to improve your videos is to interview subjects. Interviews can provide good insights through the actual words of the people involved. No matter what the event is, a baseball game, picnic, wedding, or party, interviews can add a nice touch. When doing an interview, frame the shot with the head and upper chest showing and with the subject off-center to one side or the other. As the interviewer, you do not need to be in the shot, but rather stand next to the camera. Stand on the side of the camera that will be the open side of the shot, and have the interviewee face you. Tell the interviewee NOT to look at the camera, but just carry on a normal conversation with you and keep eye contact. This may seem awkward but it works really well and it is how almost all professional interviews are done  Remember to leave plenty of space in the shot to allow for the interviewee to move naturally and nod. This way they won't slip out of the shot.

    Have Fun! - They key to making good videos is enjoying yourself. Always find new and interesting things to do and to shoot to make your camera experiences fun and exciting. Experiment with your camera and see what you enjoy and what works well for you.

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