
How can i be a pro singer-song writer?

by Guest65799  |  earlier

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i love music, i used to write lyrics when i was a kid but now i've lost my touch and i want to be inspired to write again

so do your magic on me, be my muse!!!




  1. For start writing about something u should feel it first, i mean if you want to write about love you should be a lover first and then you need to have a talent of translating your feelings to the pages that is the hard part of this matter which most of the people can't do.

    *Don't let any body define you limits because of where you come from, your only limit is your soul*  

  2. Take all your influences along with your own thoughts and personality, and create something completely unique. The problem with singer/songwriters today, is that they basically rip off their idols and influences, and end up sounding like a watered down version of them, instead of daring to create something new and exciting. I think that should inspire you. Knowing that you have the potential to make a song or songs that sound like nothing anybody has ever heard. If you are really different sounding from everybody else, you might get ridiculed, you might even get laughed at, but you will be respected for being original and doing your thing.

  3. Practice makes perfect ;)

  4. Write a  good song...

    Put it on Youtube...

    Play in local venues.

    How most get their start..and 3-5 years is average wait time before fame is achieved. Unless you just want to be a one hit wonder

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